How many tramping deaths is OK?

  • Meh ! Life's been a stroll since leaving the Rift Valley.
  • @waynowski you got that right. Even the maps were diabolical in some instances. But we went all the same. Plus if we got it wrong we were told to use a bit more common sense in the future. We accepted that rebuke.
  • two dead recently on the kepler, and an earlier death on the kepler, one death in recent years on the tongariro crossing, one death last year on the milford track a few years back one on the routeburn, at least two more deaths in previous years on the routeburn, half a dozen deaths on the cascade saddle track in a dozen years. two deaths in the last year on other tracks in aspiring off the makarora road. one or more deaths on the mueller hut track.
  • Been a few around Nelson Lakes in recent years too. From memory one off the west side of Travers Saddle and another above Lake Constance. Certainly not on benched tracks or anything close to that, but popular areas especially the Tarvers-Sabine route.
  • One winter 20ish years ago, there were 3 deaths on the Tongariro Xing. A friend of mine found one of them sitting, leaning against the signpost at the turnoff to Ngauruhoe, stiff as a board.
  • this is well worth a read, case studies of various people who survived and died in incidents tramping in NZ!:+Remarkable+Tales+from+the+New+Zealand+Outdoors&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAGoVChMI2O2659zvxwIVBTamCh1HcwqZ#v=onepage&q=Survive!%3A%20Remarkable%20Tales%20from%20the%20New%20Zealand%20Outdoors&f=false
    This post has been edited by the author on 12 September 2015 at 07:38.
  • @waynoswki Thanks for the link. I've heard about the book, but didn't think to look for it. A very worthwhile read by the look of it.
  • Definitely looks like an interesting book. Surprised I hadn't heard of the incident on Rintoul in chapter one as that is in my (former) backyard and at a time I would have been living in Blenheim.
    This post has been edited by the author on 12 September 2015 at 19:35.
  • there would have been two articles on it in the media "trampers lost" "trampers found" that is all...
  • Looks like the author sourced some info from The Nelson Mail, not sure if there was anything in The Marlborough Express.
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Forum The campfire
Started by deepriver
On 8 September 2015
Replies 42
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