Pinned post

  • I wonder if a pinned post might be an option at the top of the forums for newbie trampers and visitors to nz or on the main web home page. something to give a bit of an overview and frequent go to places for updated information. a where to start post that contains useful links and FAQ about tramping in nz, links to the latest track updates by doc, weather forecasts. suggested gear lists. possibly a brief summary of what to expect in different seasons and or regions..
  • its been pointed out to me there is something similar if you hover your mouse over the "home" word on the main page this is god but, when you first bring the site up you will already be on the home page and arent likely to hover your mouse there as you navigate your way around the site so stand to miss out on those sub menus
  • Given the current forum model i'd be against this. There are many diverging views and attitudes held by regulars on this site and I'd not like any user, including myself, to be able to prioritise their opinions / take over others by 'pinning' it. If we were to adopt the fish n hunt freeforall model with a multitude of forums with different roles, approaches, attitudes and moderators: pinning posts would be fine in such an editorialized environment. But currently we all swim in the same pool (a fact I like a out tramper forums) and i'd not be comfortable with anyone but the impartial hand of Matthew dictating the sort of welcome forum viditors get
  • my thoughts arent around pinning types of posts that have opinions, as i mentioned, its more around things like links to sites that can provide information such as weather and track information and conditons, official sites for what needed to visit nz, pinning FAQ's maybe... basic stuff...
  • Forums are dynamic and changing - and should be. And posts will always be the opinion of the poster as we cant correct / revise other peoples posts. We've got articals for permanent info like that. The problem is a) many are they're somewhat hard to find (eg Hugh's excellent introductary articals which fell off the ftont page for members, and were never on the ftont page for guests), and b) only the original author can edit them. Making the existing artivsls more prominent, and letting us all edit / contribute to them seems a more logical ude of the features we have. That would require: A prominent 'tramping basics' link to a list of these existing articles . The ability for members to tag articals so that they appear in said list The ability to collaberate on articals - ie correct / update what others have written
  • how about on the home page thats more visible than at present, which i've just found out myself are hidden. you can still pin info at the top of the forum that isnt changeable but its there to juset inform those who might otherwise ask the same questions again and again, its done on the aus bushwalk forum
    This post has been edited by the author on 5 September 2015 at 20:36.
  • Hi, great discussion. This is actually part of the new design already which is coming very soon. There will be a clear section for starting out info that is also flagged on the home page (if you're not logged in). As far as pinning in the forums, i feel this isuseful if you've only got a firum but I'm not sure of the value if there's other non-forum content. Willing to be convinced! Shared editing of articles is long overdue.
  • What you see on the home page is very different when you are signed in to when you are not signed in. You don't see the "What's New" list when you aren't signed in. I wasn't aware there were new Beginners Guides until I signed in... those sorts of things should be visible to those who haven't yet joined, IMO.
  • Hi @Yarmoss, Agreed. That's being addressed at the moment.
  • Great post and idea. Tramping 101 should be pretty straight forward with existing articles and website links.
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Forum This website
Started by waynowski
On 5 September 2015
Replies 9
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