Evo's Tramping Vids

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  • Hey everyone, Just finished my first ever attempt at video editing after my first use of a GoPro on my third ever tramp haha. I had no practice and no LCD screen so was just guessing what I was shooting. Turned out ok but a bit of shake when walking which I'm trying to learn to improve. Anyway, have a look. Any Likes and Subs would be amazing ! Let me know your thoughts. What does/doesn't work etc. Cheers, Evo LINK HERE: ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olTrOKrH6ck https://nzhondas.com/members/evosmith-albums-misc-2-picture45895-routeburn-thumbnail-2a.jpg
    This post has been edited by the author on 30 August 2015 at 12:58.
  • well your clothing colour choice clashes with your complexion.. could you do anything else with your hair? ha ha ha. maybe slow down the transition between photos, seems a bit quick for my aged years... otherwise good video.. last time i walked the track the streams up the top were right up to the bridges.
    This post has been edited by the author on 30 August 2015 at 13:28.
  • They said the internet was a harsh place :( Haha, but no if you knew we you'd know I'm one of the least care-about-how-I-look people I know. Grabbed the glasses at BP in a rush on the way to the track. Sorry I didn't take any gel on track :P
  • maybe slow down the transition between the photos,...
  • Yea good point. Probably tried to cram too much in to this one. I'm sure there vids will be pretty soft-core for a lot of you more seasoned trampers. I'm hoping to do some story vids like this and some very basic ones on what I'm learning as a city-slicker getting in to the sport. I'll get there.....
    This post has been edited by the author on 30 August 2015 at 13:29.
  • I very much enjoyed your video, thank you Evo. So nice to see the Routeburn valley and surrounding peaks snow-clad, as - by contrast - most published photos and films of this area are taken in Summer (mind you, it can dump snow there at any time of year even in December!).
  • Very enjoyable watching and nice first edit! Music was great and good choice of stills too. I've seen some AV's (by members in my camera club) time the frames with the music which looks good too. Look forward to the next one Evo :-)
  • So I started packing a few hours ago and thought why not try making a stop-motion video. It's my first attempt and the GoPro was just mounted on a trekking pole that I kept bumping, and at 2:34am it's too late to muck around with colouring effects, so just raw photos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS6kwsJyvEs&feature=youtu.be Bit of fun.
  • Seeing as you asked. I pretty much refuse to watch anything on youtube unless theres a voice narrative. Youve got two mediums to utelise, why waste one? The voice over is like the captions on a picture, its potentially extremely information rich. Music is useless to me in that sense.
  • It looks like the pack is sucking everything in eating it. Gets very fat in the process. Tickled my sense of humour. Which of the Aarn packs have you got Evo? Just curious as I have the Effortless Rhythm.
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Forum The campfire
Started by EvoSmith
On 30 August 2015
Replies 13
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