foot problems

  • Thanks Honora - I had no idea this was so complex! I'll just pop down to Pohara to see the local podiatrist! lol Will experiment cautiously.
  • Honora brings up an interesting point about insoles. When hubbie started MTN running recreationally in his 30's he chose a good brand running shoe (Asics Trabuco) and made several trips to Sports Med using their latest Formthotics technology to ensure minimum long term damage. He updated his shoes and assessments regularly at considerable cost. For a while all seemed well but over time he developed knee pain and sought answers. To his dismay, scans revealed small holes in his knee cartilage. A well-respected anthropologist we know told my husband to run without the heat moulded insoles (which fills the arch) and the pain disappeared overnight. The arch was able to do what it was designed to do… flex and act like a spring. Since then, all his running shoes have factory insoles and the knee pain never returned...
    This post has been edited by the author on 15 August 2015 at 09:40.
  • "The arch was able to do what it was designed to do… flex and act like a spring. " That makes a lot of sense. Mind you, everyone's feet are different and I expect what works for one may not work for another. My feet (especially my nails) have had over 60 years of tinea infection, which, fortunately, is not what everyone else's feet have had to! lol I've tried everything, every pill and potion on the planet. My mum used to bathe them in potassium permanganate, which meant purple feet. Not good for my young self-esteem! lol but I eventually decided living with it is easier than trying to fix it. One try was 3 months on a sugar and yeast free diet - it was hell! The one good thing is that, so far as I know, I've never passed it to anyone else.
  • "One try was 3 months on a sugar and yeast free diet" Distilled spirits have no sugar or yeast. Sounds easy to fix
  • Geez Wayno. First you branch the topic because people stuck in the mountains never have foot problems or some such thing. MY foot problem is that I have really problematic nails. And *I* deal with that by removing them. Which I've shared here. I'm not the only person who does it. And I don't give a flying fig tree if you condone it or not. I didn't say it 'just to gross people out'. It's what I do. And it works. I won't post pics. That was tongue-in-cheek. (FB is where photos like that belong). :P Maybe I should just avoid commenting in any of your threads altogether. My tutu isn't quite pink enough for you, it would seem. ;)
  • photos of tutus allowed
  • I was looking forward to the pic of mole grips in one hand and bunderberg op in the other (bunderbergs square bottle is easier to hold than Inner Circle OP) Or is that tooooo much information? Seriously though you should see a podiatrist who will be able to make sure that you never have to remove nails again either by fixing the problem or making them go away permanently.
  • Just a smidge offtopic, speaking of bundaberg, I know someone who decided carrying 6 or so glass bottles of ginger beer along with his usual load was a good idea.
  • @Kreig I'll confess to being a tad grossed out at first. But then again they aren't my toenails and how I feel about them doesn't really count does it? As far as I'm concerned you're responsible for looking after your feet and I'll take care of any mildly visceral responses I may have - and all will be fine thank you. I have to say I've learnt something I didn't know before and I'm now eternally grateful I've never had to resort to such measures. @Size12 I once lugged (among a LOT of other kit) several 24v DC car batteries up onto Paretetaitonga (the easy peak on Ruapehu) some time in the late 70's. So a couple of Bundies ... whatever makes a chap happy I guess. I would have gone for something a lot more concentrated as it were.
    This post has been edited by the author on 16 August 2015 at 23:13.
  • Geeves - "Distilled spirits have no sugar or yeast. Sounds easy to fix" I'm confused - do you recommend putting my tootsies into a bowl of whisky, or should I consume said distilled spirits? (Consumption perhaps after the soaking?) lol
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Forum The campfire
Started by waynowski
On 13 August 2015
Replies 57
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