foot problems

  • I dont cut my nails often enough and have had to throw away many socks because of it Its only the big and little toes that cause an issue the others break when they get long. Need extra heavy duty clippers for the problem nails though. I do have a big toe with a minor ingrown issue which gets infected every few years. Squeaze the puss out cover in antiseptic cream for a few days and its good for another few years My son had a problem with an ingrown toe nail while at university. Like all students he did nothing about it and when he came home the toe was twice as big as it should be. Off to the doc who cut away the edges and he had a boring holiday then back to uni. Year later he came home with the toe just as bad. Podiatrist took care of it by trimming again and treating the edge with some horribly noxious chemical to kill that part of the root. Its been fine since but he has ugly toe nails. Maybe rather than ripping your nails out every now and then a trip to a podiatrist and something more permanent is in order. Ive broken enough finger and toenails to know I couldnt willingly do that to myself. Yes real men do break nails they just dont make a fuss about it
  • I had both of my big toenails surgically narrowed in my mid teens to prevent recurrent ingrown nails - they basically remove both sides of the nail and the bed beneath, and leave a strip down the middle to protect the toe. I remember it hurting like 1,000 b*stards for weeks afterward, there is no way on earth you could convince me to attempt anything like at home.
  • Getting nails removed by a doc is the same. Just with anaesthetic. ;)
  • Kreig mate, You have got to be frigg**n kidding.who does that? What about other unessential body parts? Eyelashes? Ahem..body hair? Earlobes? The mind boggles.
  • As well as trimming nails, you can shave them down so they're thinner. For ingrowing ones, you can cut the tips into a 'v' shape so the middle bit is shorter than the outer corners. I've got a naughty nail that doesn't like wearing crampons/plastic boots but I give it this treatment so don't lose it these days like I used to. @Kreig: how do your toenails get on when they grow back?
    This post has been edited by the author on 13 August 2015 at 22:52.
  • Never had an ingrown nail. :) I wish they never grew back. Eyelashes: keep crap out my eyes Body hair: keeps me warm Earlobes: relaxation pressure point/helps me think sometimes when I pull on them. If you all want me to, I'm happy to post pics. Have done that before. ;)
  • i didnt start this thread to see gross pictures of peoples toe nails being removed, its a family friendly forum, and the content shouldnt go into gross detail. i'm not a prude but after a while going on about things as removing toe nails becomes a broken record arguably designed to gross people out. and i'm calling it off topic, i certainly dont condone people removing their own toe nails, the risks of infection is bad enough. people should first seek professional advice and avoid resorting to such extreme behaviour and certainly dont use exessive amounts of alcohol as an anaesthetic, and is arguably abuse of alcohol i'll flag any more discussion on removing toenails, its off topic, if its not strictly family friendly its off topic. those are the forum rules thanks for your cooperation
  • Stuff that. I'll just stick to letting the flippin things fall off.
  • Geez Wayno,lighten up. Kreigs missing toenails were just a bit of a laugh!
  • people often come here for serious advice, advocating excessive use of alcohol and removing your own toe nails doesn't fit in with this forum what are young people supposed to think when they read someone advocating this? people are trying to learn something here, theres having a laugh and there is just trying to be gross rather than show any real wit its easy to go and start your own forum website and you can put whatever in it you want, or go to the pub and say whatever you want to your mates the rules of this website are clear, it must be family friendly. and people should stick to the topic within reason...
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Forum The campfire
Started by waynowski
On 13 August 2015
Replies 57
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