foot problems

  • Yeooowchhh! Is that a navy thing Kreig? Not much to do in those subs for entertainment :) Foot problems? Funny you should bring the subject up Wayno, as not 14hrs ago I was standing in Bivouac treating myself to a discounted Arteryx jacket and contemplating some of the fancy insoles they have in stock. Don't mind forking out $49.95 if they do the job and last for a reasonable time, but it's a lot to pay to experiment. What success have others had with insoles? Never had any issues with my ankles/heels or toes to think of, but the balls of feet always suffer. So I'm thinking I need a bit more cushioning there. Must be my chimpanzee walking style!
  • sof sol brand insoles I find are good. but make sure they fit in your footwear, most of them are thicker than the default insoles so your foot won't it in your footwear once you put them in, they have a thinner model that I find works watch the all silicone ones, they are heavy. also superfeet green model, but they are harder but good support. I got orange ones from overseas they are softer, nice and thin so they won't need special fitting to your normal footwear.. had some scholl ones but they fell to bits pretty fast, run your fingernail over the foam material and see if it breaks up when you look at them, there should be no damage, if there is , don't touch it the foam won't be strong enough.
  • "It's almost time for me to rip all of my toenails out. It's something I do before every big undertaking. Yes, it hurts. Especially the big nails. But once they're all out, they don't grow back for months. Scalpel and a pair of pliers does the trick. Oh, and a bunch of tissues. ;)" Is kreig being serious here or joking.... I cant tell.
  • Ive seen the problems some people have with toenails and could understand it but not me
  • Seconding the Sofsol inserts - I've got the thinner ones Wayno mentions in my tramping boots and a thicker pair in my climbing boots and they're both wearing really well. Went straight in with no trimming.
  • I'm serious. Just ordered some scalpel blades. Get them tomorrow. Got Monday off, so Sunday night is all systems go for operation "remove useless parts of my body". Thankfully, I can think of a use for everything else. Not toenails though. So yes, they shall all be coming out. Been awhile since I've done it, so will take some effort. And I dare say that I'll bleed like a stuck pig. I think a bottle of rum or scotch might be in order...
  • Yeesh. *Shudders. Krieg, that's crazy lol. Hey, I guess it works. Too much pain for me to even consider the Idea. I just trim em real short. I have some serious respect for anyone that removes toenails pre trip though. Serious dedication.
  • Really ?. Hell's teeth !. Just go to Professional Nail in your local mall & get a pedicure :) Good for 4-5 weeks I'm told.
  • @Kreig, please explain why regular trimming of your toe nails will not be sufficient? I'm aghast at the thought of toenail extraction under the effects of whiskey… Once saw the blackened toenails of a tramper at Carroll Hut after a week in the bush, he said he had forgotten to trim them closely before leaving home.
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Forum The campfire
Started by waynowski
On 13 August 2015
Replies 57
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