Camera advice

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  • @PhilipW the 75mm is a fantastic lens, probably one of the best. Clear, sharp and an absolute joy to use. I have used it for portraits but find I have to extend the distance between myself and the subject, prefer the 45mm for portraits. 75mm is great for street photography, allows you to keep a reasonable distance from the subject and remain unobtrusive. Better than a telephoto easier to handle. Still it is no light weight.
  • The Nikon AW1 also makes a pretty good camera. It is fully waterproofed, and rated for diving. But the lens selection is not the best and despite the smaller sensor the camera and lenses are not much smaller then what m4/3 offers. Seen people using them in rain conditions where I would be reluctant to take my EM-5 I once completely submerged my EM-5 in a mountain stream, with a non-sealed lens on it. Both the camera and lens survived. My big telephoto lens got water smudging :(
  • I went for the original linked one, the Sony CyberShot H HX90V. Haven't been on a trip but have cruised round town at night to check it out in the dark and with lights and I've been pretty pleased with it. It has some really good features that'll be useful when I want to take photos of our party like on a self timer, you can link it up with your smart phone as the interface (like @PhillipW mentioned) and get cracker shots. Also bought a small but solid little tripod that takes up next to no room in the pack which'll come in handy. Looking forward to getting out and about with it!
  • Sony are a nice innovative outfit. The Cybershots are well liked and that particular one looks a nice fit for a convenient, lightweight tramping camera. The challenge will be learning to make the best use of the light to get interesting photos. Enjoy!
  • "Sony are a nice innovative outfit." I'd agree! -were all taken with a sony nex5n - only marginally bigger than the cybershots.
  • @Hugh vN, were you a camera man for the first crossings series?
  • I worked on the safety/logistics team for 4 episodes, took stills in my breaks.
  • That's quite awesome. And were you on the team for the Olivine trip?
  • @Gbellamy activate messaging on your account.
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21–30 of 30

Forum Gear talk
Started by Gbellamy
On 27 July 2015
Replies 29
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