Pack essentials

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  • The good old stretchee bungee cords.Very handy clothes lines and for pack attachments.
  • Oh yes, Bungee cords. A guy from the local tramping club showed me the wonders of them when I was trying to figure out how to attach crampons to my pack one club trip!
  • Like Hutchk & Madpom, electricians tape(red) & cable ties. Also a small coil of very light gauge galvanized wire and a 300x600 piece of 10mm closed cell foam(tucked down inside the back of our packs) I've only ever used the tape for positioning extra foam under my son’s shoulder straps. Used the cable ties to repair a broken shoulder strap on my ancient Torre, and the wire for a snapped crampon link bar.
  • Small bundle of duct tape for me. And I always have some 4mmish cord around. That stuff has been used as bootlaces (A pair wore through in the middle one trip from rubbing on the eyelet. Coming back with a bright yellow lace wasnt flash looking, but it worked), tarp line etc etc. Also one of those big black sack rubbish bags. Works for storing gear in, and has been used to keep my pack in outside the tent to keep it dry.
  • In Canada I learnt to carry a bit of closed cell foam, maybe 300 x 400, for sitting on! Brilliant in the snow or when the ground is wet. Cut it from an old sleeping mat which can be got from local dump stores (if you are so lucky to have one) for next to nothing.
  • Some good ideas above -I always enjoy learning what others take with them and why. As for the pillow issue -like most others I use my spare clothes. On those really cold nights when I end up wearing 'my pillow', I put my rain jacket and over trou inside a dry bag [or pastic bag, but the're noiser/crinklier] and drap it with my towel to act as a pillow case. If your jacket is wet then turn the dry bag inside out before stuffing the jacket in.
  • The only problem with using your clothes as a pillow as I and many others have done over the years, is that I take different clothes for different seasons and depending where I am going. For example the clothes that I take during winter are very different than my summer clothing. A trip above the bushline will require different clothing to a low level bush tramp. Its not a big issue as I usally sort it out after a couple of nights but my down jacket inside my sleeping bag stuff sack is perfect everytime. Wrapping the stuff sack in a thermal or merino top stops the tendency to get a sweaty face
  • For the electrical/duct tape, you can peel some off the roll, and rewrap it around a bic lighter. Takes zero space that way. Fixed the odd broken hut window in my time with that trick.
  • For me an inflatable pillow IS an essential. I've tried sleeping on other things but having quite broad shoulders, neck support is important and can lead to pain the next day if not slept on right. Maybe I'll change my mind some day, but for now the extra weight for this is well worth the comfort. Any item that is essential to you, is essential :)
    This post has been edited by the author on 22 July 2015 at 09:52.
  • Inflatable pillow.. yes always have that with me. Bought the Exped Air Pillow UL (45g) and its ideal to help prevent the annoying and painful crook neck in the morning. The only issue was it used to slide around at night (even jammed inside the sleeping bag hood) so I made a cover which has made the difference.
    This post has been edited by the author on 22 July 2015 at 15:42.
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Forum The campfire
Started by matthew
On 14 July 2015
Replies 19
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