Hut care/courtesy kudos

  • Many of us [myself included] are quick to curse and moan when we arrive at a hut to find it full of rubbish and out of firewood. But I wanted to publicly thank the hut users who were at the Hawdon Hut, APNP over Queens Birthday W/E. My wife Justine and I had an overnighter with the kids into the hut this last weekend. Going by the footprints in the riverbed there had been a load of people up there Queens Birthday, but we found the hut spotless and with a good supply of dry firewood stacked on the hearth. It was maybe hour and a half before dark and getting pretty cold when we arrived, so it was great to already have the makings of a fire on hand. So whoever you are thanks for doing the right thing it not only helps the next inhabitants out but also encourages them to to do likewise.
  • footsore - may I repost your thanks to other outdoor forums please? under your name or 'footsore'?
  • Sure, Hugh I'd prefer you use 'footsore'. It's a long shot that whoever was last at the Hawdon will read this, but it would be great if they learnt their efforts were appreciated. There were some names in the hut book but I didn't think to take note of them and there well may have been others who didn't fill in the book. I thought I'd write my appreciation to them on the off chance and as a general pat on the back to the folk [I'm sure it is still the majority of backcountry users] who follow hut etiquette. It is those huts that you find left in a tip, by the ignorant or lazy, that stick in your mind and attract comment in forums such as this.
    This post has been edited by the author on 9 June 2015 at 15:55.
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Forum The campfire
Started by footsore
On 8 June 2015
Replies 2
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