Fatality stats

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  • @pipeking said: "Mt Cook itself has over 80 fatalities and Taranaki looks similar (but I can't find exact stats for either)" Do consistent stats even exist anywhere? I know people like Graeme Kates keep unofficial records for particular areas, but I don't think I've ever seen clear stats for everywhere. On Taranaki, I wasn't even sure if the 80+ figure is specifically climbing the peak, or if it also includes the accidents elsewhere in the park, and there have certainly been others. I guess this also gets into one of the difficulties of accident reporting. Fatalities might be an exception because they usually involve a documented official response, but probably a very small portion of non-fatal accidents get reported.
  • They keep a record in the Village at Mt Cook of every fatality thats occurred in the park, at last count I think it was 237 or 238 I'm not totally sure. 81 from Aoraki alone apparently Not sure about Taranaki though, that seems a bit trickier but I think the local DOC would know
  • a couple of days ago pipeking said there were 200 deaths on mt cook, so where are these figures coming from? the mainstream news articles i've come across report around 60
  • The following tool may help with working out death stats though it goes by region, not by mountain so not the solution in this case. Also, it only covers deaths where ACC is involved: http://www.acc.co.nz/about-acc/statistics/injury-statistics/index.htm# Found it a while ago when we were bemoaning hunter fatalities and I wanted to see if hunters were statistically more or less at risk than trampers (the answer was yes, but fishermen have the most deaths per capita), but never got round to writing about it. Select 'fatalities', 'sports only' and select the sports you want (mountaineering, tramping, hunting?). I'm puzzled as to what the 'ongoing claim' column means for fatal injuries ...
    This post has been edited by the author on 31 May 2015 at 11:06.
  • "a couple of days ago pipeking said there were 200 deaths on mt cook, so where are these figures coming from? the mainstream news articles i've come across report around 60" @Wayno here is a mention of the record in Mt Cook village: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/64350575/Mt-Cook-Does-reaching-summit-outweigh-risks I think its the DoC that does this count, and be aware it does actually include plane crashes and heart attacks (not exactly purely mountaineering deaths but anyway) Add this figure (78) to the 3 latest fatalities on Aoraki: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11381328 And, viola, 78 + 3 = 81 In respect to my original comment on the number being more than 200, yes I believe that was misinterpreted, but quickly corrected none the less. @madpom I think maybe 'ongoing claim' means its still yet to be determined by coroner? Or perhaps going through the courts?
  • "... and never forget that 67.52% of all stats are made up on the spot." The Mount Cook figures are also harder to make sense of because "at Mt Cook" has a lot of meanings. eg "...last seen heading up the Hooker Glacier" ? The memorial record book at Aoraki park headquarters also includes people who died on the Fox glacier in Westland National Park.
  • "The Mount Cook figures are also harder to make sense of because "at Mt Cook" has a lot of meanings. eg "...last seen heading up the Hooker Glacier" ?" Hmmm so your saying that the glacier is not part of the climb?? Surely not.. "The memorial record book at Aoraki park headquarters also includes people who died on the Fox glacier in Westland National Park." Yea I don't know, I assumed that each National Park was kept separate but if you can reference some material to back up this claim I am keen to check it out
  • the hooker glacier is not solely a part of Mt Cook. There are at least a dozen objectives that the Hooker Glacier could be access to. The media and the 'official' records are often very vague about what is 'climbing Mt Cook', or 'on Mt Cook' or what might be somewhere in the same area.
  • I don't have access to the Mt Cook memorial book here at home - but I do recall reading the details of fatal incidents that took place on the fox neve. My point is the numbers mean a bit less than people think unless you appreciate the limits of their accuracy.
  • Sorry I don't see what your trying to say Hugh, I was just putting forth some articles because wayno asked. Not sure why your splitting hairs on the Hooker or our vague media either, the figures are there take em with a pinch of salt if you have to.
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Forum Visiting New Zealand
Started by izogi
On 30 May 2015
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