Expedition Behavior

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  • Found this pretty funny blog about beig a good team member. https://myfriendsaredouchebags.wordpress.com/tag/nols/ Any other pearls of wisdom from the experienced around here? (extra points if you're funny too)
  • some of those points are ones that i use to decide who i do and don't tramp with.... if they dont make an attempt to pull their weight and if they whinge, they are histor... my and my main tramping mate went through a string of tramping mate failures as teens...
  • Thats both funny and bang on. You do have to be careful who you tramp with. Group selection makes or breaks a trip. I refuse to tramp with someone who isnt relatively laid back, or isnt able to shut up. I actually have a good mate who constantly talks on, and often wants things done his way. He is a bit out there etc and often goes on for a fair while about his very deeply held beliefs. Great friend of mine, and good fun to be aroun, but I refuse to go out in the bush with him. He isnt laid back enough and quiet enough, and I go bush for the peace. Im all for having good mates along and having a ton of fun, as long as everyone understands when to be quiet and enjoy the surroundings. Similarly at venturers, when we tramp a few of the lads insist on bringing a portable speaker, and playing rubbish music as we tramp. Every time I have to have a conversation with them asking them to turn it off. Not good trip behaviour On their part Imo.
  • noise pollution...... headphones or nothing...
  • Thats my position on things. And I may have cheerfully offered to make the speaker cease working =, so I'm hoping they get the message before next trip.
  • incessant talkers can be noise pollution. never ceases to amaze me how many people assume you want to listen to the sound of their voice non stop especially when you're trying to get away from the noise of everyday life in the outdoors.. was in a hut one night, some teens were mouthing off with lots of profanity. one of our group was a college teacher. he was busy washing an 8 pint billy. without warning, he walked over to the teens with the billy full of water and threatened with all seriousness to throw it over them if they uttered one more profanity.. given that they were lying in their sleeping bags at the time and it was cold in the hut, it would have been game over for their trip... so it was no contest... a peaceful evening ensued...
  • Give that college teacher a pat on the back... Not easy to 'manage' teens in a hut.
  • 1 deleted message from pipeking
  • 7 OUTDOOR PERSONALITIES THAT SPELL TROUBLE http://blog.theclymb.com/out-there/7-outdoor-personalities-spell-trouble/
  • Hey what about cigarette smokers? anyone here tramped with durry heads before? They have to be the worst.. I tramped with a few members of our club that smoked for several years before I knew they smoked. Its still something we have to accept to some degree as nearly all the smokers are older long standing members and they are discrete about it. Its not too many years before smoking dies out one way or another
  • 1 deleted message from pipeking
  • for young smokers the bucket suggested in an earlier post seems a good idea. I dont know the long term answer but when smoking reaches the level it can be outlawed most neighborhood dairys will close. My parents owned a dairy for a few years and just under 50% of the profit came from cigarettes. Followed closely by pies except there were a close thing to ice creams in the summer. If they had taken everything else out of the shop they would still of made a good living.
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Forum The campfire
Started by EvoSmith
On 29 May 2015
Replies 22
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