To take a camera or not....?

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  • Mirrorless doesn't always equate as compact. I have two cameras that I use on a regular basis, an Agfa Record III and a Zeiss Ikon Ikonta 532/16. They were made in 1952 and 1937 respectively, they don't have mirrors, they were both classified as pocket cameras although how one can call them that when they weigh approx 750gms, but then again have a look at the pockets on the coats of the day, you could probably load 3 or 4 cans of beer into them.
  • The biggest factor in the size and weight of some of the newer mirrorless systems is the lens. many of the bodies are quite small but most of the kit zoom lenses are big and heavy. I use a Canon M that I carry on my pack shoulder strap but I use a 22 mm, (35 mm full frame equivalent) F2 fixed focal length pancake lens which means that I can use quite a small soft case that does not cause any problems even off track. If I do need a longer lens I carry a small zoom in the pack. The quality is excellent (APS-C sensor) I can crop the images quite a lot and still get good results
  • so to be clear .... compacts are mirrorless and mirrorless are compact but not compacts, and some compacts and some mirrorless have lenses and sensors that are as big as good or better than some dslr's but not as good as compact pocket cameras as big as 3 cans of beer that might be rangefinders that were made in 1937? :-) Simple really.
  • :D Love the post Hugh! Well, I've decided I WILL get a camera. I've been convinced by friends that I should right a blog, and should raise awareness for a good cause/charity. Currently got a few feelers out, so will see what happens. But yes, I will be taking a camera. :)
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Forum The campfire
Started by Kreig
On 14 May 2015
Replies 34
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