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  • Hey mate, just watched an episode of I Shouldn't Be Alive, and put 2 and 2 together, and realised it was probably you. Would love to hear more about your ordeal. In fact, it'd be great to catch up at some point. Where abouts are you based?
  • @Kreig. He wrote it up here: It's a bloody good read .. even before the 'adventure'.
  • here's a map link if you want to locate the events,169.950256&z=14 the best write up of a recent NZ epic I've read.
    This post has been edited by the author on 10 May 2015 at 13:25.
  • Made it easier to read knowing the outcome but my goodness what a tale. Did you ever go back and dig up the plastic bag with the maps?
  • No. Maps, a swazi fleece top and bottoms, plus some other odds and ends tucked away up there. Have to get back one day ...
  • @madpom Did they do an episode on your little adventure? If so I'll have to go find and watch it.
  • They did. The episode is called "blood on the mountain" if you're looking for it. But before you give yourself a crook neck shaking your head at some of the dumb decisions that fella makes read the link PhillipW provided above to see how it really happened. @kreig - yes. 'd be good to catch up some day. Sound like you've some good stories to tell yourself. Will mail if I'm coming down/over that way.
    This post has been edited by the author on 11 May 2015 at 07:18.
  • Thats awesome @madpom. I haven't watched the show yet, still trying to find a HD version online. I read your trip report mid last year. Was an awesome recount.
  • how close is this Matt?
  • Danilo went within a couple of hundred meters, I reckon. I borrowed some of his photos of the area when I gave a talk on the trip to PNMTC. Amazing photos. Makes me realise the inadequacy of my humble snaps.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Kreig
On 10 May 2015
Replies 10
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