Unusual Hut Finds or UHF

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  • Ah interesting! Mystery solved. :) It was in the area where that big mine is now so might have been from that.
  • We "found" a helicopter at john coull on the whanganui river. Hauled in at the end of the day, saw a heli on the middle tier of the site. Took a look, it was roped off and had no engine in it, so we figured we were clear to set up around i. TaTalked to the warden and apparently it had been there a few days already, so we set up tents, got all our gear sorted then went for a scrub and a swim in the river. Get back up to the site and the warden lets us know that "Theres just been a call from the chopper man. They are flying in a new engine and will be landing in 15 minuted". We could hear the other heheli coming in, dropped our whole site in 10mins (a reasonable achievement considering the mess of gear, canoeing equipment and bulky tents etc). The heli actually landed by the river so we neednt have hurried =/. Got to watch guys fitting the new engine for about 3hrs, got to see it tested, then ended up practically underneath this helicopter as it took off (nowhere else to go really). That was an experience. Good fun. I have pictures of that somewhere.
  • A condom, still in it's packet, up at Cuppola Basin hut. The mind boggles. A beer would have been far more welcomed! A fine set of aluminium tent poles in a box of rubbish. Still use them in one of our tents.
  • Raise you 2 condoms still in packet at Cedar Flats hut. Have found the odd beer and once an unopened packet of chocolate bikkies. Unexpected treats at huts always taste so much nicer than if you had carried them in yourself.
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Forum The campfire
Started by bradley1
On 2 April 2015
Replies 13
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