Unusual Hut Finds or UHF

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  • I am forever finding weird and unusual gear left behind in huts. They often seem to tell a story about why they got left there. An example would be the broken left jandal I found neatly next to the hut table but no right jandal to be seen. Did the person take it with them, loose it somewhere else, what...? How about the pair of womens panties I saw one time that had obviously been cut off...snip, snip on both sides. Accident, play or passion why did they cut them off? What kind of weird or unusual stuff have you found in a hut before? Did it "speak' to you?
    This post has been edited by the author on 2 April 2015 at 15:57.
  • Cant say I've ever found anything particularly interesting at huts other than the usual socks and jocks. Pulled into one to find some bloody animals had left ash and rubbish all in the sink and on the bench though. Ive seen socks hanging from trees by the trackside though, and you have to wonder how people leave those behind.
  • Several hundred candles at kokatahi biv?
  • Not at a hut, but once in the Hunuas I found a huge number of plastic buckets strewn the bush. I probably should have reported it (I thought it might have been for some kind of conversation).
  • Ugh, people dump all sorts in the hunuas. Its terrible really.
  • Also not in a hut, but I found a really long line of cotton crossing a track in Victoria Forest Park. I pulled on it and it just kept coming. I since thought it might have been there to mark somebody's weed crop. I guess with GPS you don't need such rudimentary technology anymore.
  • @matthew - thats from a hip chain. Use them to mark out survey lines or survey plots. Go to start point, tie off cotton, then walk in the direction required. Cotton feeds out and meter on hip chain shows the distance. supposed to take em out when youre done though...
  • Hip chains are still used in post GPS days. I own a couple of them plus a GPS and a number of compasses. On some jobs it is a requirement to leave temporary physical evidence on the ground of where you have been as well as or instead of producing a gps generated track of paths walked. The cotton biodegrades and I've never been instructed to remove it after use. That would add a huge cost to jobs. I've done work in Victoria Forest Park. There are areas up there where bird surveys have been done. There have also been mining related & historic site surveys done in places.
  • Beer is my favourite find. The few I have found have gone down extremely well :-)
  • Many years ago I returned to a hut to find a live horse inside. It should have been hobbled nearby but some how found its way inside the hut after we'd eaten breakfast & headed off for the day. (the horse didn't make a mess or cause any damage and walked out backwards with a little coaxing)
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Forum The campfire
Started by bradley1
On 2 April 2015
Replies 13
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