My Website

  • Hey Not sure if this is the right place to put it but have a look at our site It has our trip reports and photo s please check it ourt
  • Enjoyed your website. You've done some neat tramps. Good to see some young people getting away from the computers and into the outdoors. Might see you on the trail sometime. If you ever get up to Gisborne you could contact me. If you like bush tramping you'll love the Ureweras.
  • Yeah, enjoyed your site. Thanks for sharing. Anyone else have sites?
  • Yes it's looking good, I hope you don't mind me linking to it. (I find ones based around the lower North Island extra interesting since it's nearby. :)
  • I'd like to link to it to, if you dont mind:) Yours I already linked izogi, hope you don't mind..
  • Hi Matt & Lewis, great website, thanks for sharing. I've put a link in my blogroll. Looking forward to reading about your upcoming adventures. Anyone who is interested in trips in the top of the south, feel free to check out my blog at Happy tramping everyone!
  • Clusterpod, fantastic photography! A must link for my blogroll. Keep up the good work!
  • Thank you very much:) I'm having a browse of yours now.
  • Thanks for all the replys guys awesome website skylark Another thing do you guys make youtube vids of your tramps were thinking of doing them if you have you tube please link us Username lewismatttramping cheers
  • The Hell Mission Tramping CLub- adding the Mt Tapuae-o-Uenuku Story soon!
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Forum The campfire
Started by matt the morepork
On 30 August 2009
Replies 9
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