DOC track map inaccuracies

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  • Duke Rudolf was Pro-Active's 'code' for a certain pesticide that we don't like to mention but have adopted the code. He died on an interesting date! ......and not on a skateboard as far as is known (but there's probably a conspiracy theory about it) He, in fact, fell out of a small aeroplane or helicopter :)
    This post has been edited by the author on 5 January 2015 at 14:45.
  • I can see why contour_lines is confused by the comments, if you look back to this thread: You will notice that 1080 is mentioned several times, and contour_lines is involved in the chat. @contour_lines_are_the_enemy I am sorry that you have to endure this childish banter (it was me who upset the resident trolls), but if you just nod and agree, you will be fine mate! :)
  • This thread is the better one. :)
  • "geeves - lol was that a tongue in cheek comment? How can I say whether it's the river or track that is wrong? The river hasn't shifted course if that's what you're suggesting." Its more a simple observation that under bush cover the actual features cannot be accurately observed or depicted from an ariel photo. They know the stream and track are there but cannot see them under the trees so do the best they can. Its possible the track has been walked with a gps logger but the river wont of been. By the other side of the stream we are still only no more fron 20 or 30 metres from the right place
  • Yeap, sure is buddy! haha :)
  • Hi @geeves. I don't know exactly where you were near Cow Saddle. Last time I was in that vicinity, my GPS seemed to have the tracks I followed fairly spot-on. or LINZ might have updated its maps since that time, which would be reflected in the linked base map from because I think @gavinharriss refreshes it periodically as LINZ releases updates. I also sent a bunch of GPX files to someone at LINZ a while ago, so this one might have been included, and could possibly have contributed to recent map releases along with whatever other GPX files they've had. Do you know how old your map was?
    This post has been edited by the author on 5 January 2015 at 21:16.
  • It wasnt my map but this would probably mean the stream was incorrectly marked. As I said how can they be 100% accurate on features they cant see. Short of walking every square inch of the country with a gps logger there is always going to be some errors. As long as those errors are so minor that that make little or no real difference do they matter. Looking at that map and my memory from 3 years ago the track shown is on the true left of the stream but Im sure that for the lower section of the trip we were going up with the stream on our right meaning we were on the true right. Comment was made about this at the time.
  • Kind of disappointed DOC never got back to me on this. This particular office had at least been quick to respond about a query I had before the trip. Guess they just dismissed me as a muppet that couldn't read maps.
    This post has been edited by the author on 11 January 2015 at 17:07.
  • "Guess they just dismissed me as a muppet.." Na, the DoC would NEVER do that, ...surely? haha
  • "Is this common with many tracks? I have mostly only done great walks, which DOC appears to pay a lot more attention to. I will email them with my concerns, though it will most likely fall on deaf ears. I certainly will never set out without a tent after this experience. It's a good thing I'm always following a river, so can't really get too lost." Good observations and inferences all round. Sometimes trying to track down the track is half the fun. Detective work.
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Forum The campfire
Started by contour_lines_are_the_enemy
On 3 January 2015
Replies 27
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