Whakataka/Whakataaka hut, Te Urewera

  • Has anyone got info on the water supply at this hut? I understand the water tank has a hole (?bullet), leaving only minimal supply. From the map, doesn't look like much in the way of streams around there. Also, any water on the route from Huiarau summit along the ridge to the hut as we may need to camp - track apparently very overgrown. Thanks.
  • March 2014 - Tap at the hut drips (and has done since 198x when the hut book started). But I was there late during the long dry spell this year and there was plenty of water still. My notes on the track from Waikaremoana road summit to the hut, and from the hut south to Te Waiotekapiti Hut are here: http://routeguides.co.nz/routes/xrv147 and here: http://routeguides.co.nz/routes/xrv148xrv149xrv150 Basically, north of the hut there is good water and camping at: - Waikaremoana Road summit (water just west of track start, camping just north along the Maungapohatu Road). - On track on north side of Raukatau highpoint where a small stream runs along side the track South of the hut, the only water was 100m south of the next track junction 13km from the hut (the head of the western-most of the 2 streams due south of pt1105, which the track crosses), but the area is so scrubby that camping would not be an option. After that the next camping with water was where the track hits Waiotukapiti stream. All tracks along the ridge are VERY overgrown - unidentifiable in places. I took about 2x my estimated time. Generally, things improve as you get nearer the hut, coming from the north - the worst is the frirst 2-3km on the ridge. Read the above route guides for more details.
    This post has been edited by the author on 21 December 2014 at 18:40.
  • Thanks v. much madpom. Really useful info in your route notes, esp on the possible water supply and camping along the ridge - which is what we intend to do. With regard to the hut water supply it's my understanding now that a dripping tap is not so much the problem but a hole shot somewhere in the tank - hopefully not below the tap! One of our party is hoping he might be able to fix it. Cheers and thanks again. Another bit of info - apparently DoC has had the army in there to clear some of the track, about 1.5 kms I understand.
    This post has been edited by the author on 22 December 2014 at 15:46.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by BarbM
On 21 December 2014
Replies 2
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