Tama Lakes to Waihohonu Hut

  • Looking for some information about a trip I want to do. Route I was planning skirts the right of the upper tama lake and then to Pt 1562, then traversing the ridge along the back of Tama, above the springs to where it meets up with the track from Waihohonu to Outrere. Looks quite steep in the photos and maps, particularly heading up to Pt 1562 and at some points along the ridge. Does anyone have any ideas if it is passable and what length of time it would take? Thanks
  • not sure about pt 1562 itself but that general route is an unofficial route taken by people but i think they usually skirt around the peak just to the west, then get on the ridge further along
  • just checked, i've got a photo of it http://tramper.co.nz/?13453 you can see point 1562 behind the lake, and a an easily accessible ramp that runs up to the peak from the right, the rest of the ridge looks relatively accessible
    This post has been edited by the author on 5 October 2014 at 19:03.
  • We take various routes through this area for interest/variety. Have gone round the eastern side of Upper Tama once although I think we dropped into the valley at the head of the lake rather than carrying on along the ridge line. Easier and considerably quicker is the route we use most often - we head along the flat bit on the western side of Upper Tama, a little before it starts to climb sidle down to the lake edge, carry on around the lake edge to just below the valley at the head and climb up. From here we have headed down the Waihohonu Valley either all the way to the track or climbed up onto the ridge on the southern side of the valley (possible in various places) and followed it down to the track or dropped down the nice leading spur to the south of this ridge then cut cross country to the track. We also take a high sidle route from above Tama Lakes around to Oturere. In general to romp around in this area you need reasonable visibility to pick a good route. There are numerous bluffy bits around the palce but we have always been able to find good routes around them. I think what you propose should be doable as long as you have good visibility and are comfortable/competent in moving in the untracked (often loose) rocky environment.
  • thanks for the info guys!! Stunted, is it quite easy to sidle down from the west to the lake edge? the countours and photographs i've seen would suggest that it is a bit bluffy and quite steep?
  • It would be easier to skirt the lake to the small tarn, north of the upper tama, in the canyon. (nice camping spot BTW), head north and around 1562 then pick up the waihohonnu ridge. All easy travel. From the tarn you can drop down to the lake easy enough. For a really cool trip, start from south crater, and traverse anti clockwise at about 1650m asl, around ngauruohoe, to the aforementioned canyon. Youll see a fantastic cross section of volcanic rocks, alpine flora in many states of revegetation. Then either take the ridge to waihohonu, or skirt east of upper tama, and more or less head south to pick up the RTM track. Bit swampy though that way! Or just go clockwise back to the lakes track.
    This post has been edited by the author on 6 October 2014 at 18:35.
  • Dropping down to the Upper Tama Lake is easy, sort of down sidle down sidle, lots of little trails to follow. Just don't start too early come right across the flattish bit on the ridge first. We went round the eastern side the first time as we thought the same as you from looking at the map, but after getting a good look at the western side the next time we tried it and now use that route all the time.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by smicr615
On 5 October 2014
Replies 6
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