tv1 8:35 wednesdays new first crossings series

  • tv1 8:35 wednesdays new first crossings series new name Intrepid NZ.
  • on demand video
  • I'm half way through ep 1 and so far I'm impressed. One of my (minor) gripes with the earlier First Crossings series' was that they aimed to stay so much in character that it seemed dishonest about all the support crews and production behind the scenes, etc. Episode 1 of Intrepid NZ has more of a descriptive feel, where they're more into explaining and demonstrating stuff and interviewing people mid-story. I'm not a fan of the dramatics (camera movement, music, etc) and repetitive script, like stating things 2 or 3 times just in case people forgot something during commercials. But mimicing that "everything-has-to-be-extreme" Discovery Channel style of action-doco seems a given in modern productions. They probably wouldn't sell it without this, and it seems fairly minimal compared with what it could be. So good all around for me, and enjoyable and worthwhile. I'm looking forward to the rest.
    This post has been edited by the author on 2 October 2014 at 22:26.
  • They seem to have stopped tilting the camera to exaggerate the degree of slope they're climbing too - that used to annoy the cr*p out of me. I really enjoyed the new approach (and seeing the Alps in glorious HD), looking forward to the next one.
  • Steve gurney and his mate were the origin for this type of show. he did a couple of tv docos where he retraced earlier trips, he'd have new gear and his mate would wear old gear. it was a more down to earth show. didnt make prime time he crossed over the south island portaging a kayak through the taramakau. and they attempted cook, but his mate's feet were getting too cold and they had to abandon.. the first crossings guys spoke to steve before they started their own series
  • Thanks for the heads-up, enjoyed the first episode. I remember the one where they dived the Ilingamite (spelling?) supposedly on single tanks. Seemed suspicious. Funnily enough, they never showed footage of the two guys actually at the wreck, only at the Poor Knights.
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Forum The campfire
Started by waynowski
On 1 October 2014
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