Accessing this site from a cell phone

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  • I am posting this from my new Telecom cell phone. Very cool, though the screen is a tad small.
  • you are starting to exhibit signs of addiction. take a deep breath and step away from the key board.
  • Soon you'll be climbing hills to get good cell reception just so you can post a live trip report here....
  • Or using google earth on your cell phone to get a "Birds Eye View" of where you are, very cool. Though being able to access this site for route instructions would be cool also.
  • Yes, it does kind of indicate what will happen in the future. Blow by blow accounts of a trip in real time from out in the field. As for addiction. Hadn't you noticed, am already well past the point of no return
  • I think we all are pmcke! :D
  • What would we do without the Mobile Phone Lindsay
  • IWaddle: get continually hassled by friends and family to buy one.
  • Hi madpom i was the same and i gave in,i do alot of bike riding and it is good for saftey in case a mad Brisbane driver takes dislike to me I now use it all the time as it only costs $29 per month and i get $150 of free calls national and international and have e mail,i only use the home phone for the internet Lindsay
  • You see - you're at it too. And ACC. And the bank. 'Go on: you know you want one'. Well I don't!
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Forum The campfire
Started by pmcke
On 6 June 2009
Replies 11
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