Mt Taranaki, Saturday

  • The forecast looks clear for a summit trip, if anyone wants to join me. If the residual murk takes longer to move away, then sunday. Taking the north ridge route.
  • says showers and snow to 1100m on sat, I think you could be post holing your way to the summit
  • Hoping to go over the top of Ruapehu on Saturday (wind permitting) - will give you a wave.
  • Turned out to be clear and cool as forecasted, and great time had. Took a traverse route from the skifield, ascending to lion rock and around and up through the surrey entrance. Not a bad route and excellent snow conditions.
  • Heres a 180 degree panaroma shot, looking north. Ruapehu had been visible earlier before the cloud lifted.
  • Great day on Ruapehu too. Frozen snow = excellent cramponing conditions. Sunny all day with a cold breeze (not strong and at our backs the whole day) but only a few other groups up on top. Could see Taranaki on the way up but by the time I thought to give 'zoneblue' a wave it was hidden behind clouds.
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Started by zoneblue
On 24 July 2014
Replies 5
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