Mystery hut/biv in the Tararua's?

  • Playing around on the WAMS website recently & found what looks like an unmarked hut/bivvy in the northern Tararua Range's. Coordinates are NZTM 2000 E1820817 N5511337. It's 1.8km SW of Arawaru (767m) & 590m S of pt. 604. It certainly stands out as white & square when viewed as an aerial shot at 1:2,500. Any ideas folks?
  • Yes - there's an old tent camp there. Bit run down, but just about usable. A small stream next to it for water - always seems to be flowing even at the end of that big drought.
  • There's a maze of tracks in the area covered here, and biv mentioned in passing: Notes: and GPX:
  • A bit of official stuff in the area. Could be a fun trip one day
  • Cheers Madpom & Geeves. Matthew have you found the location of the mysterious 'NS Biv' I've seen you refer to in previous posts in the Tararua's?
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by reidpaulnz
On 16 July 2014
Replies 4
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