How to stop cramp

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  • dried fruit and legumes are high in potassium. carrots have massive amounts... nuts have good amounts of potassium and magnesium, you can search for foods high in various nutrients here
  • legumes also have reasonable amounts of magnesium
  • lentils cook the fastest of all the legumes, far faster than most beans
  • @hutchk. A little bit of Google, & voila ! A dab of vegemite on your lunchtime cheese & crackers could be an easy fix ?.
  • you may need to eat a fair bit of vegemite to get enough minerals out of it
  • But hang on - I'm a Marmite man!!!! And only just recovered from the Great Marmite Famine!
  • mamite is just as good for potassium and sodium
  • @Pro-active Too right. Now adding Vegemite/Marmite to the list of 'small packs of things I 'borrow' from hotel breakfast buffets'...
  • I've used, and recommend, "Crampstop" for tramping & cycling. My problem then, was pushing beyond my fitness. Crampstop is homeopathic. Now I'm thinking to raid the breakfast bar, if hutchk doesn't beat me to it !. It mightn't take much to tilt the balance back into comfort ?.
  • Maybe a hot marmite drink at end of the day might do the trick as I doubt I could eat bulk marmite. Reminds me of staying in a Christchurch hotel in about 1965, on the menu was "Soup of the day - Creme de Marmite"!
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Forum The campfire
Started by deepriver
On 11 April 2014
Replies 21
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