How to stop cramp

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  • As I get older I'm getting cramp at the end of every day's tramping. So bad I can hardly get into our small tent and then lie in agony trying to straighten my legs up (or vice versa). We thought I might be dehydrated so have quaffed much water - no improvement. I have tried drinking salt with every meal - no improvement. Recently tried Gastrolyte which MAY have helped. Anyone got any other suggestions?
  • you need a range of minerals... potassium magnesium and calcium are biggies. most people get more than enough sodium in the west. go to a nutritionist and have your diet looked at, something is missing....
  • A google search gave these answers I get cramp about once every 18 months which is enough to know what its like. Not something to wish on ones worst enemy.
  • also if you're on medication, some medications can upset the mineral balances in your body as well. but make sure your diet has been sorted out, bad diet and medication isnt a good combination... my had had minor heart issues, he was put on a high medication regime, his heart stopped one day... one medical profesional told me his medications may well have stopped his heart
  • I used to suffer the same problem with cramping (it was especially "fun" when both the hammy and quad would cramp at the same time) but the following regime has substantially reduced cramping for me: I drink about 1/2 litre of water an hour while tramping. I take a big mouthful every 15-20 min from a bottle so I can see how much I've had, rather than from a bladder. Then once an hour i have a couple of mouthfuls of electrolyte drink, which contain sodium and potassium salts, made up from powder in a 1 litre bottle. This bottle usually lasts most/all of the day tramping. Originally I used Powerade/Horleys Replace powder, but they are expensive, and for me didn't work that well in preventing cramps. A lot of research I came across suggested that magnesium salts are very effective at combating cramp. My electrolyte of choice now is Hansells Vitasport in sachets for making up 1 litre. About $1.39 at countdown next to all the ready-to-drink electrolyte sports/"lifestyle" drinks. It contains the sodium and potassium salts that the others have as well as a magnesium salt. Switching to Vitasport has made a huge difference in reducing cramping. I also snack on salty cashew and almond nuts (for sodium and magnesium) and banana chips (for additional potassium) during the day. Recovery after the day's tramping is just as important. I drink another 1 litre of Vitasport over an hour or more, which gets me through the night without cramping.
  • I experienced bad cramps for the first time earlier this year after a hard 8 hour grunt. It was unexpectedly painful, and I was glad to the be only person for miles as many bad words were uttered (loudly). I second the Vitasport idea - I buy the individual serve sachets from Countdown and make sure I mix one up and down it as soon as I stop walking, seems to have done the trick.
  • "Crampstop", the homeopathic spray you can buy at physios & tramping outlets. If really bad, may have to spray a second dose under the tongue a minute later, but it works. If it's end of day cramps, then you might just have to do some stretches ?.
  • i don't get cramp, its been decades since i've had it, i've been relying on good diet.... theres not a lot of minerals in those mineral supplements, i'd say if they stop cramp then you must be very low on minerals in your body before you even start tramping.... i went to a naturopath who does hair mineral analysis, he does a lot of sports people, everyone hes tested have mineral levels way out of whack... some minerals cant even be detected in some peoples tests... he blames modern diet...
  • Thanks for the ideas. I'm sure this has something to do with ageing. The suggestion to do some stretches may be a good one as it is something I have never done. Our generation would never think of doing something so woosie! Lol Just put the pack on and get going, then stop and sit down. I remember an older woman who used to get severe cramps at the end of the day. Was a bit disconcerting when her leg would suddenly shoot out between the pedals when she was driving us back after a tramp! She would pop a salt tablet in her mouth and within 2 minutes was all OK. You can now only get salt tablets on prescription hence my trying drinking salted water - which didn't seem to work. Regarding diet - my diet is pretty much the same as it has always been, except it may be somewhat better since a good woman came into my life 11 years ago! Lol. Before that my diet was fairly minimal but I could run up mountains then. (Ah, those were the days! Lol ) To be honest - I think the modern predilection for diets and supplements is over the top. When i was in my early-fifties I found a great sense of 'life force' using various psychotherapies and was the fittest, healthiest and strongest I've ever been in my life (and happiest), and my diet was really crap, when I think back on it. I think each person needs to find what works for them, in my case psychotherapy, in others diet, in others supplements. But when cramp strikes the last thing on my mind is psychotherapy! Lol.
  • Just came across this on another site : "a tube of Vegemite. Don’t laugh, believe it or not, a suck on a teaspoon of the Big V is the speediest cure for cramp around, gone in two minutes, something to do with the extreme potassium and sodium concentrations" Might be worth a shot?
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Forum The campfire
Started by deepriver
On 11 April 2014
Replies 21
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