Food drops

  • What containers do folks use for food drops? Having had my mitre-10 "poly-pails" gnawed through by rats, I'm wondering what others use.
  • maybe you need a bear canister? something thats a hard plastic at least if not metal... used to use big tins used for crackers, havent seen them around for years....
  • I use multiple, heavy-grade plastic bags which you can burn after making the transfer to your pack. But the critical thing is location. I stay away from huts, preferring to find a stable and dry section of a shingle slide, above ground level. Then you can excavate a hole from the top, pop the goodies in, and then cover it with enough sand & gravel, and then flat rocks, to prevent the rats burrowing down to it. The recovery takes a while, but a little whiskey in the stash gives added incentive!
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Forum The campfire
Started by madpom
On 17 January 2014
Replies 2
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