Seasonal / long-range weater predictions

  • Does anyone know of sites that show long range weather predictions? By which I mean a general 'Do we expect a wet/dry windy/still month of February / March this year?'. I hear the metservice people give such predictions on the radio occasionally, and see seasonal forecasts from NIWA in printed farming-orientated bulletins, but I have not found info anywhere online.
  • Ok: answered my own question. Here:
  • On a related topic, does anyone know of any sites which show weather history? The MetService website doesn't let you see in reverse, as far as I can tell. As soon as the time's arrived or passed, the data's taken offline. There have been a few times when I've been reading something and wondered what sorts of weather systems were going on at the time.
  • You might like to try this. It's a summary of monthly climate data.
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Forum The campfire
Started by madpom
On 6 January 2014
Replies 3
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