Ruahine Trampers

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  • Walked from Aranga to Parks Peak in 2.5hours 6 months ago i walk a little slower than MadPom and isogi an easy wide open track.
  • Cool thanks guys, I ended up going for a day walk up to parks leak with the side trip to the trig. It was suppose to be an overnighter with the walk to aranga but my mate got bored waiting for the clag to clear so we decided to come down. It's a fair grunt up from the road but an enjoyable one. Cheers
  • I am planning a Ruahine tramp at Labour weekend. Going up to Howletts via Daphne Spur, then across Sawtooth Ridge to Tarn Biv. Out down Rosvalls Track. Anyone know what it's like going in or out from Mill Rd up the Tukituki? Should we leave a vehicle at Kashmir Rd also in case it rains and we can't get out via the Tukituki? Would it be better to go up from Kashmir Rd to Daphne Hut and keep drier feet? Any helpful hints for this tramp welcome. Thanks.
  • I haven't been in or out via Mill Road (only Kashmir for me, and up via Longview), and I haven't ever been via Daphne. If nobody else can offer advice, though, it might pay to check specifically on Mill Road access. The WAMS shows the legal definition of Mill Road extending right into a specific point of the Tukituki River, but satellite images only show what looks like a farm road going part way, before the legal road spins off across farm-land and down to the river.,5578183,1874725,5579726 DOC's page at says there's legal access, so presumably it's a marked ground trail of some sort in there, either along the legal road or arranged accross the farm-land?
  • Apparently there's a carpark at the end of Mill Rd, then you go along a farm track to the river. Don't need permission. the main problem will be if there's been a lot of rain, won't get up the river. Might have to go the long way!
  • Apparently there's a carpark at the end of Mill Rd, then you go along a farm track to the river. Don't need permission. the main problem will be if there's been a lot of rain, won't get up the river. Might have to go the long way!
  • Fruitbat - I've not been all the way to the Mill Rd exit from the river - only out to Longview / Kashmir. However - the 1km or so of river down from Daphne Hut. In that 1km, the worst crossings in the gorge just below the hut - these are definitely impassible after rain. The further down you go, the better it gets for the first 1km. Looks like it open out more after that - but I've never been any further so can't confirm. However, to restate: after rain you won't make it even the 1st 1km from Daphne to the Kashmir / longview track. The crossing to the Howletts track opposite Daphne hut is a bit easier - especially with some mutual support you should get across the river upstream of the hut. But even that become impassible after really heavy rain.
  • When following the Mill Road (gravel road) you will get to an area where there is a small old hut/building/shed on the left, a gravel road going straight ahead through a gate and a gravel road to your right also through a gate. Take the road to the right through the gate and follow for another couple of kms. Pretty sure there is another gate near a woolshed and 'cottage', go straight through that and you will see a DOC interpretation board ahead. Park near that off the side of the road and not blocking access to the gates in the area (plenty of room). Climb over the stile near the DOC board and follow the track down towards the river, the track heads up stream in a mass of grass/lupin and some manuka (best to stay on it as going cross country through this mess is not nice) for a wee way before actually reaching the river. As madpom said the most difficult bit of the river is the last 20-30min (between the kashmir/longview track and Daphne hut) the rest is not hard as long as it is not up.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Jono51
On 6 September 2013
Replies 17
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