man who was missing in hunuas several days recentl

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  • the group could have set of a beacon when they realised he was lost it would have kicked off the rescue faster and may have changd teh outcome in some cases it would change he outcome. sooner you alert the authorities the better
  • "once again, a locator beacon would have resolved the issue far far faster. ... theres no excuse now for a group not to have a radio or a beacon or both...."
  • We could conduct a survey here too. Any takers? I've never used one but I've radioed for medevacs 3 times and called up 111 on a cellphone 1 time as well. Not for me BTW, she said, touching wood. We carry one though.
  • i conducted a survey on an australian tramping forum asking about locator beacon useage
  • once again, a locator beacon would have resolved the issue far far faster. a group can pitch in to buy one or rent one so at least someone can raise the alarm when they need to
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Forum The campfire
Started by waynowski
On 27 July 2012
Replies 16
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