Olivine Gorge

  • Hi , Anyone traversed the Olivine Gorge in past year or so and have any route tips - have read route guide in latest Moirs ( which may update with new addition due out soon ). Thanks
  • Some years ago we traversed the Olivines from Big Bay to Glenorchy - we ended up at Olivine Hut after being flooded at Lake Wilmot. Anyway, rather than seeking to go up the Olivine Gorge, we backtracked up the Pyke and climbed up to the Diorite stream - a beautiful hanging valley. From there it was up and over the head of the valley and down to Forgottten River confluence, thereby avoiding the gorge. All was reaonable travel. We also went up the Olivine River bed from the confluence, and climbed out on the TR using a band of ultramafric rock to avoid scrub when seeking the Olivine ledge and rock biv up by Fohn Lakes.
  • Crossing from the Diorite to Forgetten River was through Four Brothers Pass.
  • We stopped short of going down the gorge from the Olivine Flats where the Forgotten River joins the Olivine. We were led to believe it was navigable but our intentions were to return to the Olivine ledge anyway. Alot of the route from the ledge to the river was spent off track going both ways and the wet forest made it challenging. I would be keen to hear about the gorge route as we'd likely take that way out next time.
  • I have been down the gorge once in the early 1970s. The route, as I remember it, was pretty much as described in Moirs. Most of the time was spent route finding and much of the time there was no track. It would be no better now. Usually avoided these days I think but would be a good challenge for a fit party. The route via the Diorite I did in the mid 1990s. It was pretty rough in the bush dropping from the hanging valley down into the Pyke (large boulders in the bush). The we ended up mired in the Pyke Swamp. There might be a better way but straight forward going over Four Brothers Pass
  • I have been down the Olivine Gorge too, in 1979. We tried our best to follow Moir's Guide, but could not locate the initial tree blazes described. We ended up above bushline through some very rough country, and spent an unplanned night out in the bush about 900 metres above the floor of the Pyke Valley. if you want a challenge, I think you will find it!
  • Thanks for contributions everyone.
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Started by moirsmate
On 10 November 2012
Replies 6
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