Tramping in March.......interested?

  • I think we should exchange contact info via something other then this message board. Email, digits etc as we are starting to get into the details of this. For some reason I can't send mail messages on thetramper - don't have permission for whatever reason. Any suggestions as to how I can get your email addys?
  • I'm having the same problem with sending e mails on the tramper. Norm says to send a mail to who he says is a whizz kid at sorting problems with the site. The Speight Ale House is ok by me but i do not wish to spend time there from midday to closing! I suggest around 5pm. Anyone for a warm up on Ben Lomond? I will use mails from now on if possible.
  • Hi everybody. Please don't post email addresses here as you will open yourself up to spammers. I have fixed an issue which was affecting your sending of mail. Oops sorry. Also, alix_baizet you need to check your profile settings as you are not allowing receipt of mail. I can correct this for you if you ask me to. As an aside, I will probably loosen the rules about mail and just let anybody mail anybody in future, but put a blocking system in place. If you'd like to discuss that, lets start a discussion elsewhere.
  • Hi Matthew It does not appear you have fixed mine so that I can send mails from a non existent control box in my profile. Can you fix that?
  • Alix are you still interested and will you be joining us in Queenstown? Would love to have you along, the more the merrier. Hope you get your email sorted out soon and then we can all keep in touch. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Anyone else interested in joing us? Feel free to make contact if you wish.
  • Hi UKMAN, the best way is to click through to a user's profile from the forum and you will see "Mail" as a link at left. Alternatively, you can go to your inbox (top right), then click the "Write a new message" link in the "Your mail" box at left. I am aware that the current setup is rather confusing and needs some work, but that's how it is at present.
  • Hi everyone, Louise I couldn't check out the web adress you gave to me (it was offline or so) but I collected informations from elsewhere and it seems ok for me. I will however wait out for you in Dart Hut (and then skip cascade saddle). So I weet you on the 4th martch in Queenstown. Matthew, can you please allow me to receipt message ? Looking forward to hearing from you soon !
  • uuuh, I Meet you indeed :)
  • Matthew, I fixed up my profile and I can now send and receive messages from everyone. No need to do it, appologies !
  • Hi Alix, OK great. :-)
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by normclimb
On 13 January 2009
Replies 51
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