Strange hut expriences

  • The possibility of "journalists" using or mis using material, quoting out of context etc is risky in my view. I personally have had photographs misappropriated, my family have been subject to misreporting and have had to resort to legal intervention . While this is the downside of journalism, there are many journalists who take the time to report the facts accurately.And Wilderness is a well put together/respected mag. A friend of mine was a Ranger on the West coast of the South Island for a long time, and worked with some real colourful and entertaining people. He told me of a bloke who accumulated a lot of "anecdotal" stories while he worked with these guys over the years and eventually put together a best selling novel of the NZ outdoors using most of these yarns. When the book came out ,it didnt take very long for the penny to drop so to speak.The author of this book found a virtual wall of silence from his old workmates when he eventually hit the West Coast a few years later. Its not being suggested that the subject at the moment falls within this example, but its strongly adviseable for anybody contributing to this type of request, and galeforce is a bona fide employee/contributor to Wilderness,to ensure that they are up to speed with their rights to payment or any other form of reward for contributions to any magazine or publication. If some one wants to do it for nix , its up them! I am not in that category , i need the money.
  • Aaaah Galeforce if you had paid any attention to other threads within these forums you would see a common thread with regard to reporting and reporters (usually mis reporting to the detrement of the wider comunity) is it any wonder members are a little touchy. As a reporter i would have thought you were used to this reaction by now and look forward to showing people how different you can be. You wont win any hearts by telling us how saddened you are by Honora's remarks. Just plug on and the stories will come. And before you start another discourse consider this I am a Professional Used Car Salesman (a conundrum in itsself profesional and used car salesman dont exactly go together in peoples minds) so you can imagine the silence in a room when I answer the oft asked question " so what do you do for a living" :) I look forward to the stunned quiet then go on to change peoples ideas by my actions not waste energy being offended.
  • As josh has pointed out, you can submit full articles to wilderness magazine, if they publish you will paid. But you'd be a vary rare person indeed to be paid for contributing to part of an article or giving an interview that they are editing and writing as part of a larger article. if you dont like any perceived risks of writing a full article then so be it. It sounds like the chap who wrote the book of other peoples stories didnt obtain their permission to publish those stories. A professional writer would obtain permission. he was running a risk by not obtaining permission.
  • Some of my best friends are car salepeople.
  • :) And fine people they are to im sure. Have customers who have dealt with me for years with no questions raised yet at some stage in the discussion they will still come out with the line " but then you understand paul your a used car salesman" hard to shift ingrained perception so we just smile and move on.
  • Wouldnt surprise me if the person alluded to by oldgoat was Barry Crump Like all great raconteurs he borrowed many a story and produced many a great read dispite his more obviouse short commings.
  • Perhaps @Honora needs to clear it up when she next visits, but I read that comment as being about sharing of stories with all the random people who might pick up and read Wilderness some day. I didn't read it as being a personal attack on Josh. If I had any stories to share, I wouldn't personally be put off by some kind of mistrust in this case, as long as there were an understanding that I might continue to share them in my own words using other means in future. I'm not the greatest fan of the workings of much of our main-stream media environment and how it sometimes interprets and presents information, but I don't have any special gripe with Wilderness Magazine. If any part of New Zealand's media is likely to "get" the outdoor recreation environment, it'll include the niche that Wilderness helps to fill. The magazine has been presently and formerly edited and contributed to by people whom I've built up a lot of respect for, and it's hardly a stranger to employing or working with people who also spend a lot of their own unpaid time on related things. Plus Josh is only asking.
  • well said
  • I have only ever bought two magazines in my life and they were Wilderness magazines. I'm not sure that I would want to read about a group of kids being abused by a drunk guy and having to leave a hut though...
  • No, that one puzzled me too. He say he wants stuff of a lighthearted nature, and then gives an example of what sounds like grossly inappropriate behaviour. Having met similar behaviour in Tararua huts, in one case with kids present - I'd say treating such things in a lighthearted way rather than condemning it would only encourage that b*****s
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Forum The campfire
Started by Galeforce
On 24 August 2012
Replies 72
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