Stewart Island - North West Circuit - Winter

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  • We're heading down there in Oct/Nov to combine the NW and Southern circuits. A guy who lives in Oban who has done track work down there for decades, suggested that off-season can be better for the tracks, because there's less churning of the soft bits. I don't know what that actually translates to on track, but that's one reason why we thought of going back in Oct/Nov.
  • 1 deleted message from Yarmoss
  • Yeah Im thinking of trying again for later in the year as well. My back seams to be better and the grand slam is still on my to do list. Glad you guys had a good trip on the Dusky, by the way. I was in the van with you when you got dropped of for the boat ride, me heading for Lake Monowai. Didnt recognise you on here until I looked at your Flicker photos and recognised the Isreili guy that went around with you. Small world, huh :)
  • Hehe! That is a small world then. We're warming up for Stewart Island with Milford Track (gotta do it some time, and - hey - it's a pretty area) and then possibly Monowai/Green Lake circuit? Do you have any thoughts on whether it's a worthwhile trip? Thought of even taking an extra day to go up on top from Green Lake Hut, though we don't know the terrain there yet. It's just that we want to do a 4-6 day tramp in the Southland area, and this one looks okay. Don't have either the time nor strength to emulate your trip up Florence Stream (it was there, wasn't it?)
  • As a stand alone 4-6 day trip then yeah, definitely the Monowai/Greenlake circuit is a good trip. Some really beautiful scenery in there. Have a look at this guys photos:!i=858620763&k=AvqHa Actually, all of his albums are mind blowing. Yeah, the Florece. That was my intention but it didnt work out. Turned back in the mid-Grebe and was actially going up to the tops between Lake Monowai hut and Rodgers inlet when I slipped and fell down a bank. Landed feet first on the bottom, hematomaed my leg and jarred my back which has been the cause of my back problems ever since. Had to get choppered out. Dont let me put you off though. Stick to the route in Madpoms routeguide on here and you'll be right. Its a long climb from the lake to the tops though!
  • Just spent several hours looking at all those albums. Lots of great pics in there. We're keeping Lake Monowai/Green Lake Circuit in mind, but the shorter, much more intense Cuthbert/Cleughearn loop looks very enticing, too. Though our favourite idea at the moment is Middle Branch Borland/Pass 1356/Garnock Burn/Mt Titiroa/North Branch Borland. So many good tramps in that area! And after that, to get back on topic, Stewart Island viz. NW Track anti-clockwise to Mason's then Southern Track anti-clockwise then boat from Rakeahua Hut. We hope.
  • Oh, and forgot to add, sorry to hear about your back. Hope that continues to improve.
  • Hey all, long time reader first time 'caller.' Just curious what the "grand slam" referred to above is? Did the North West Circuit two years ago; popped the question there as it happens!
  • The Grand Slam refers to walking both the NW circuit and the Southern circuit togeather. I walked the NW circuit Oban to Oban a couple of years ago but I cant quite figure out a way to do the Grandslam Oban to Oban as its in the vicinity of 14 days if you do the side trips up Mt Anglem, Rakeahua and Rocky Mount. Thats beyond the legth of my patience/endurance! I was going to water taxi to Freds Camp and walk from there which would make a trip of 11 dyas. Glad you liked those photos Apurdam. That guys got a fantastic album of the Florence to Lake Roe plus all the rest of the Dusky. Some great shots of the Merrie Range which I have been looking for.
  • Yeah. We drooled over the beautiful area between Florence and Lake Roe. That looked such a fabulous route. All done with tent, ice axes/crampons, and - what - two weeks of food? Monster pack!
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by robhoult
On 4 June 2012
Replies 28
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