Strange hut expriences

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  • Hi all, I'm Josh Gale the staff writer of Wilderness magazine and I'm looking at doing a lighthearted story about funny/weird/frightening experiences people have had in huts. For example, last year a teacher and her students had to escape a hut in the Tararuas in the middle of the night because a guy staying there became drunk and verbally abusive. Any of you got any interesting stories? Josh
  • Plenty of stories much do you pay per yarn ?
  • Generally with the media, unless it's the Women's Weekly, we don't pay for interviews. So unless you're secretly a Hollywood celebrity living in NZ for the tramping opportunities, we won't pay you :)
  • So i take it you would use my intelectual property to make a financial gain for someone with an investment in your glossy mag......or do you volunteer your time to the mag, or make no financial gain yourself?
  • All magazines are the same They only pay for the stories that get all the bored housewives buying the magazine when they wouldnt of otherwise. If you give a story to the mag you get your name in print but unless you write so well that they ask you to write more thats it. Many members here buy Wilderness. What would you rather be reading a story about a place you may or may not know or a report on a gym shoe that the manufacturer thinks is good for tramping? I have no stories to give but if I did I would.
  • Yes , geeves , you are right ,i do like Wilderness and many people purchase it. But arent we in a "user pays" period of life? It seems totally wrong that someones intelectual property can be sourced for nothing and an end user can make money out of it. Surely if an article is good enough to print it should be good enough to recompense the author, maybe a years suscription to Wilderness, but something would be nice. And geeves , old sausage , im sure you have some yarns about the bush tucked away somewhere.....
  • Come to think of it , Rod and Rifle and many other outdoor mags pay for why is it ddifferent for this mag to not do so.
  • Not wishing to stir the pot but it seems to me that the request was for anyone who wishes to tell a story then do so....if you don't...then don't...not sure why its now a debate about intellectual property.
  • I saw elvis at blue lake hut
  • That story would be good especially with the photos
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Forum The campfire
Started by Galeforce
On 24 August 2012
Replies 72
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