Ownership of Huts on DOC administered land

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  • Atiwhakatu is to get another bunk room and wardens quarters. this from a good DOC source
  • About time, I've always thought the 12 bunk was too small (having spent a uncomfortable night on the floor one one weekend). Be ready to pay $15/night to stay the night there too.
  • Same iwi too Gaitors....yep i remember you.Bit of a giveaway the photo, eh boy! Actually its from Moteo marae in Hawke Bay . Must get one of Takupuwahia.
  • The new Atiwhakatu Hut when it was built would have created history if had been built within the time frame DOC management staff "demanded". The bloke in charge of the building of it reckoned it could be built in 6 months , he did not take into account , building consent , resource consent , AEE, plans , geological survey , site selection and vegetation clearance etc etc. Mind he had never built anything bigger than a Tonka toy in his life. Apparently the Masterton Tramping Club , who were co owners of the old hut, had money to contribute towards a bigger hut (24 bunks), and were concerned that (12 bunk capacity proposal) for the new hut would not be adequate for the large groups of school parties using the hut.This has proved to be correct. Unfortunately MTC,s plea was not in favour with DOC beacause (a) Wellington Conservator had already been assured that the hut would be built within the 6 month timeframe and (2)the plans and applications were too far progressed to change to a 24 bunk structure. This inflexible attitude killed the MTC proposal. If a private builder ran his business like this , he would be out of business pretty quick. Ironically the 12 bunk hut was still unfinished nearly 12 months after commencemnt of building and remains in a "not to standard " condition nearly 3 years later.
  • Not to standard is probably the same issue the second orange hut had to deal with. 1 disabled access. The law doesnt care that you cant get a wheel chair to the front steps but it must be able to get up them 2 permanently attached fire alarm The hut itself looks perfectly fine as it is but yes it should be bigger. How are 24 people going to use the non bunk part of the hut at the same time?
  • stop being so damned logical geeves damn it ha ha ha ha
  • Sorry ...but building consent for back country huts does not include a requirement for either 1 or 2 , geeves cobber. Guess the green machine will use the Standard 24 bunk plan . Suggest you go online DOC website , they have all the manuals on there, and you will find basic plans for all size huts.
  • Poor old DoC had to install a wheelchair ramp for their fabulous new dunny on Quail Island. Unfortunately the island is wheelchair inaccessible...
  • is that an OSH requirement? to have wheelchair access in wheelchair inaccessible locations? like needing two exits in any hut over five bunks hence ripping a bunk out of six bunk huts?
  • If that's the case then it's unusual. I'd have to check but I thought the Building Code revisions a few years ago were specifically to fix these sorts of situations. (Not requiring disabled access so much in places where disabled people would never be expected to go, not requiring the bunk to be removed, and such.) OldGoat probably knows.
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Forum The campfire
Started by OldGoat
On 7 July 2012
Replies 34
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