Hydration blader

  • Hi how do you clean and dry out your hydration bladder to stop it from getting moldy ?
  • I empty main between trips... Then give it a couple of rinses before using again. Seems to be going fine. Every month or four I would squirt a bit of detergent and warm water into it. Give it a good shake them force the water down out of the opening... Then give it cold water rinses until all of the detergent taste is gone. Mine seems to be clean enough. You could also try soaking it in vinegar if algae starts growing in it. Might help.
  • I keep mine in the freezer, again all it needs is a rinse out and your good to go.
  • It shold not get mouldy if you jsut use water in it! I use a powerade bottle fro juice/flavoured drinks
  • It shold not get mouldy if you jsut use water in it! I use a powerade bottle fro juice/flavoured drinks
  • I rinse it out with sodium metabisulphite(get it from a home brew shop)it makes a sterilising soliution.Rinse and drain then put the cap on.I rinse it out again before using it.
  • I use only water in mine, yet the tube still got mouldy. I cleaned it out by stringing a wire through it and dragging a small piece of cloth through. That cleaned it nicely, now I chuck the tube in the freezer atthe end of the trip. Mould can't develop inthere.
  • Every now and then i use some sterie tabs that are normaly used to clean babies bottles buy them at food town. Started using horleys hydration replace just recently to good effect. dont feel wasted after a hot tramp as i used to
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Forum Gear talk
Started by matt the morepork
On 2 June 2008
Replies 7
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