Kaimai-Mamaku Tracks and Huts

  • The old North South Track from West - East Track near Tui Saddle through to the Cashmere clearing turn off has been remarked, this was done earlier in the year by Doc staff. No track cutting or clearing was done. I am keen to do a North - South traverse along the old route. Not sure when, which is why I am doing short trips in to get to know the tracks. Though this weekend I think I might do it easy and go into Waitawheta Hut.
  • Went to Waitawheta Hut from Lindeman Road. A nice tramp, a bit steep in places, but pleasant. On the way out went about half way along the Cashmere track, like the north south track this has been remarked but not maintained. Was a neat tramp, but the grass cuts on my face are testament to how overgrown it is. Does anyone know where on the track the hut used to be? did not find any sign of it. A new track is being put in from Waitawheta Hut to the junction of the Old N/S track and the Northeast track. Is in the last stages of being completed now. No signs yet, but a call to DOC will help find the start. It uses much of the old tram line that is marked on maps heading West of Waitawheta Hut.
  • I must get back to that area to look around. As I have told you before it has been some time. I recall turning off the North South Track to Cashmore Hut. Then to get to the hut I think you had to go off the main track and across a stream. Looking at the map, my guess would be around E2758295 N6401299, if that stream on the map is the one that we crossed.
  • Hi, the Auckland Tramping Club go to the Southern Kaimais at the end of November. You are welcome to join in. Check out the notice on the website. Then Central Kaimais on Waitangi weekend. See nearly all the tracks and huts!
  • I did a loop about 6 weeks ago from wharawhara rd through cashmores clearing (camped there) ... then south past wahine rock to te rereatukaiha hut and on back to wharawhara rd. The track through cashmores and then south along the ridge is really quite well marked now although still very overgrown so you need to keep an eye out for the track and markers. Great trip, although I'm not sure what the deal is with the signs saying it's ecologically sensitive area at cashmores and the old north south track ... does anyone know more about that?
  • Where abouts on cashmere did you camp, on the track? or down off the track at the old hut site?
  • Unfortunately easy to find about 10 mins in to the right of the track facing west between two logs that have blown down the uncovered fire is a bit hard to miss. I think DOC may have been refering to this when they mention an ecologically sensitive area.
  • I think what they mean by ecologically sensitive is that the whole area is so boggy that if they were to maintain tracks in there they would have to board walk everything, which becomes difficult to justify from a cost-benefit point of view. Also I think Cashmore's clearing is a sphagnum moss swamp in which case they are so fragile that the damage from a single footprint can remain for many years
  • Just got back from the Te Rereatukahia Cashmore circuit from Wharewhare road, opposite direction to Big Pauls. Unfortunately smacked my knee on the way down a steep bit about 30 mins north of the hut, but decided to keep going anyway. It is a really rough track, and even though it has been remarked still lost the track at times. Would not recommend it, though I might just be sour 'cause of smacked knee. It is very boggy, funny though, I did the track back in October, Cashmores that is, and it has deteriorated a lot since then, when I went through then it seemed I was the first in years, but this time it looked like it had taken a hammering. Found no place to camp, and with my knee did not go looking into the valley for the old hut site as planned, though to be nice to the track I do not think I will go looking again.
  • That structure is a punga bivvy, dirt floor punga walls, corrugated iron roof lean to structure very basic but will keep the rain out just... I think Very much a hunting area..
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Forum The campfire
Started by Haqii
On 25 September 2008
Replies 76
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