Dusky track mid feb 2009

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  • Hi i am intending to hike the dusky going in on the 16/02/09 and will take about 10 days leaving time for side trips or wet weather days , is there anyone interested in joining me.
  • hi, There is a very good chance that I can join you. Your times work well with mine and I've been researching the long version of the dusky but reluctant to do alone for saftey reasons and risk of cabin fever :) Cheers Chris
  • Hi Chris, I have booked to go in from tuatapere on the Monday 16 Feb so hope you could join. I am hiking the Stewart island NW circuit with a friend and his son from 3 Feb till 14 Feb if you are interested Cheers Ross
  • Hi Ross Great! Thanks for the invite to Stewart Isle. May take you up on it if dates coincide. Otherwise, subject to getting an available space I'll see you on the boat. Look forward to meeting you. My email is charborne@hotmail.com Cheers Chris
  • Ross Just to let you know that I have a booking on the boat for feb 16 from Tuatapere. Cheers Chris
  • I would like to do the DUSKY TRACK about a month later. I would be happy if someone of you cold write me about difficulties and experiences you had on the way. (wert21ferkel@web.de) Thanks
  • Hi I'm keen to do the Dusky Track around these dates Is it still relevant? Achi p.s - Is it really that important to book the boat from tutapere now or is it possible 1 day before? Thanks
  • i'm still going Achi. Think you need to ask the boat operator your question. Google it mate. Cant remember details. :)
  • Hi Ross and Chris I would really like to join you Just need to know if you are certain for going, if yes, then please let me know by email or phone or forum email: achievendar"gmail.com ph: 0210701433
  • Correction to my email: achievendar@gmail.com Cheers Achi
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by ross.t
On 17 November 2008
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