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  • Hello out there, I'm in the process of taking the full plunge into tramping this summer which coincides with a university research opportunity down in Otago. I have a few questions regarding equipment and such. I have a Doite zolo tent, 1 man, very light and easy to get up. (this is it here but I didnt purchase it from here http://www.guncity.co.nz/doite-zolo-green-bivouac-xidp230494.html)Perfect for me and my dog. But its so element proof that condensation is a real problem, any ideas on how to reduce this? Otherwise I end up with quite a wet sleeping bag down by my feet! Second questions is, Scarpa's, I used a pair of these boots a few weeks ago. Whats everyones opinion, where can I buy them, and how much would they set me back? And final question. I need to buy a sleeping bag and decent weather jacket. I was going to sign up to kathmandu's discount club and just get stuff through them, unless someone has a better recommendation? Cheers everyone!
  • Scarpa is no doubt a brand with some of the best in quality materials and workmanship but fit comes first and that may eliminate it for some. Do a few comparisons. Footwear is the most important item you'll have out there and price should be a couple of notches lower on the ladder in terms of priority. Ask yourself how much you would pay to be out of an awkward situation if your boots failed you somehow.
  • awesome, well the size 11 scarpas that I rented were perfect. I am a student so budget is a bit prohibitive when it comes to purchasing gear, but I am doing my best. Any recommendations on where to purchase?
  • Hi lazaah, If you're in Dunedin you could also check out Bivouac and Macpac for gear, Kathmandu can be pretty pricey. Bivouac has a sale on at the moment, and Macpac has a discount club (free to join) and I've found the staff in their Dunedin shop to be really friendly and helpful.
  • Hey man, I had a doite zolo tent, and it is terrible in the rain, totally floods, zips basically at ground level, water pours through the thin floor, and I agree the condensation problem is also terrible, the only way to combat this is to have one of the doors fully open, and just have the mesh door closed . The light weight makes it seem so appealling, but it is not to be trusted in severe weather . I would recommend the macpac microlight, or even macrolight tents, a little heavier but much better . No condensation problems with the macrolight, which I bought to replace my Zolo . Totally sound in heavy rain and wind . It is only 2.1kg compared to the 1.5kg the zolo weighs, but you can literally sleep easy with the Macrolight . I prefer Macpac gear too Kathmandu . Bivouac stores stock Exped sleeping bags and mats fully recommended . Wait till they are having sales you can save hundreds . As far as boots go, I swear Skellerup Bullers are the way to go for beginners, just get someone to teach you how to alter them to be more comfortable, they are so cheap totally waterproof, and last forever .
  • Kiaora Gaitors, how long did you have the Zolo? Looked at a Zolo 2 at $199 it looked not to bad...but if there is an issue with water at zip level , will look at something else
  • also R&R sport in dunedin and qtown macpac also in qtown. eventually they all have sales. R&R were having one but not at their qtown store store....
  • if you're near qtown theres a shop there called one planet or small planet cant remember, small shop opposite the supermarket,, good value, good gear they have a second shop down the mall which has their clearance stuff... otherwise do the rounds if you happen to be out that way there's a few shops you can shop around in, although often pricey there...
  • Kiaora OldGoat, had the zolo for a couple years its great in summer camping on river flats because it is light and small packaged . But for a solid all around tent, try something else mate .
  • anyone whose boots `last forever`,must leave them at home!I`m an average joe & get about 2 years from my Sportivas,then the tread looks like the top of my head.I`m not called the `bald eagle `for nothin`.I`m on the hill plenty & would recommend a full shank type boot,properly fitted & keep up the wax.And make sure you put them on a hill regularly.I echo Aardvarks` comment. Tents,well a bit of weight usually means a better quality construction.Unless you`re a polar bear.Macpac is reputable.A good relationship with a gear-freak at one of the mainstream tramping shops(Bivouac e.g.)& you`ll get trusted advice.& talk to/join a tramping club-they`re on the up `n up.Just ring one of them up.
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Forum Beginners and newbies
Started by lazaah
On 5 November 2011
Replies 11
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