Milford track in winter? (Juuuuust out of season)

  • Anyone ever done the Milford track out of season, not strictly in winter but in the week or so after the booking system stops? Wondering about transport and logistics, and whether or not it's a good idea...
  • Yes weve been in the first week of May. Transport resumed a day or two after the official season ended,and we left from the camp ground near DOC.There were no wardens, and we took our own gas.I have walked the Milford early April and had far more snow than what we encountrered that May. Its possible to walk in any direction, and stay more than one night in a hut if you wish.
  • Generally the Milford Track is available to walk out of season if there is no avalanche danger. The month of May being the pick of months. If it is deemed unsuitable by DOC you will struggle to find an operator who will transport you to the track. If the track is ok, local Te Anau opeators put a package together for all transport (see Tracknet The only downside of travelling just after the booking system stops is that it is very popular and it is recommended you bring a bed roll.
  • hey my mates and i walked the track in May just after it had been closed for a few days. It was great not too busy, still wood and toilet roll at the huts. Weather wasn't too bad either. Carry your own gas etc and make sure you have a personal locator beacon or mountain radio as the transport company (Tracknet) won't want to take you if you don't have something. Transport off at Sandfly Point was through Roscos the kayak company based in Milford.
  • Thanks very much all!
  • i am going to the milford track end of november. hope all this snow they are getting now clears :/
  • You should be fine - we were just down there doing Kepler and it wasn't too bad re the snow. Lots going over McKellar Saddle but that will all have melted. Routeburn still a bit of a problem - they're helicoptering people over part of it. But call the DOC office down there in Te Anau, they'll be able to tell you the details.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by hazel
On 10 October 2011
Replies 6
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