terrible huts

  • The Whakapapaiti Hut [TNP] is currently closed due to a bed bug infestation! Yuk. Is that worse than mice? At least the mice only eat your food and not you!
  • Yeah i like Te Matawai.Ive slept outside on the new porch listening to stags roaring all night.The worst sleep i ever had was at McGregor Biv what with rats partying under the floor and possums and stags serenading outside.Neat biv and awesome spot though.
  • My vote would have to be Mangamuka (aka Rattus) hut in the Kaimias. Neat little hut but it took me an hour to clear the benches, floor and cupboards of rat droppings last time I was there. And the little bastards were everywhere that night - on the benches right beside me, behind my head inside the building paper and across my sleeping bag. A great deal more cursing than sleep! Alan
  • Four of took shelter overnight in Mountain House during a real Tararua downpour in late 1950,s. We had been hunting in Totara Ck. but the weather was not good. Next day we headed back to Lower Hutt to drop of everyone . I was the first out at Taita, opened the back door of the van and a huge rat jumped out and hurtled across our front lawn!My sister saw it from our sitting room window and freaked out! The funny part was that my friend Warren Kennedy ,also on trip, rang later in the day to say his pack had been chewed to pieces by the rodent; no doubt as to who carried rattus norvegicus out of the bush.
  • I think the architect who designed Crosbie's Hut must have read this book http://mcleods.circlesoft.net/products/485622-NanoHouseInnovationsforSmallDwellings-9780500342732
  • Heh heh, that does look a lot like Crosbies!
  • How on earth do you get a bed bug infestation on plastic mattresses? Surely the bed bugs wouldn't be very comfortable.
  • Bed bugs hang out in cracks and crevices in furniture including beds and bedframes as well as carpets, curtains, clothing bedding etc. They don't mind discomfit, as they can apparently survive up to a year without eating!!
  • What are people's thoughts on the Montgomerie hut on the Kirwins Hill tracks in Victoria Forest Park. I love the track but am unsure about doing the whole circuit
  • I did that walk Jan09. I was meant to stay at Montgomerie hut but after staying at the fantastic Kirwins Hut and arriving at Montgomerie "the dump", I just kept on walking and finished the loop walk. On the happier side of things, it is a roof over your head and heck it's surprising what you can put up with!
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Forum The campfire
Started by geeves
On 25 July 2011
Replies 70
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