A night on top of Mt Taranaki? Alternatives?

  • Hi all, has anyone done that? What are your experiences? What would you recommend for this? Where exactly would you camp? Also, are there any remotely comparable trips on the South Island - high altitude with not much harder or more technical climbing than Mt Taranaki? Would appreciate any pointers, whether you have been there or not - anything you can contribute much appreciated. I simply want to have more time on the mountain to enjoy the phenomenal views. It might even be easier this way because we would have twice as many daylight hours available as if doing it in a single day, and one night's rest between ascent and descent. I have been up the mountain once before, so I know what to expect. Then, I was about as fit as I am now, but much, much less experienced in tramping. I have also successfully slept under the stars in up to minus 10 degrees celsius at low winds on the snow at 1200 metres altitude, but I am aware that at 2500 metres, depending on weather, it could be a very different game. What is the typical range of the night temperatures during summer at the peak of Taranaki? I'm thinking: In summer, only with excellent and very up to date weather forecast, strong tent in case of getting caught in high winds contrary to forecast, extra warm clothing, plus all the usual gear for serious trips, including a beacon. Very undecided between two options: A) Camp in a relatively sheltered spot one to two hours away from the peak, ascend peak in early morning without most of the gear, then pack up camp on the way down. B) Camp in the crater on the ice / snow. Just one of those things that are coming up in my head again and again, until one day they drive me nuts and I just have to do it to get rid of the idea :-) Cheers, Matt
  • i dont have any advice...but think its cool idea!
  • Hey Matt I tented out on top of Mt Taranaki last year at Easter. I camped on the glacier that is present all year round I think, in what appears as a canyon. I climbed from the north side. I have one photo in my profile you can look at, it shows the view down into the canyon from the summit, and my orange tent next to a large boulder. Definately prepare well if you decide to do this. It was well below freezing in April. I started out carring 4 litres of water, and needed it all, ran out the next day about half way down. The glacier was not really drinkable if melted. Depends on conditions too, I had a fine dry calm day, not too hot, but felt quite dehydrated at times. I planned for a fine weekend, and it was a great experience; amazing sunset above the clouds, and an awesome sunrise. Definately recommend camping up on the glacier as an option in good conditions. Good luck
  • Hey Matt, did you get up Taranaki? A similar hike in the sth island is Mt Earnslaw. Probably better, as there is a 6 bunk bivvie at 2000m+ (Esquilant) do it.
  • Mt Tapuaenuku would be another option in the South Island.
  • Camped out on the summit of Taranaki quite a few times in the early 80's...sometimes tent, sometimes bivvy bag, a once in a cave/shelter in crater....Always checked the weather in advance....had some magic moments....47 Japanese squid boats lighting up the side of the mountain one night. South Island similar?....I have looked at Mt Enys several times (Porters heights) Easy access not technical etc
  • Syme hut on top of Fanthoms Peak (1955m) is only about 1-1.5 hours relatively easy climb from the summit, you can get some awesome sunset/sunrise's from here. It's about 4 hours from the Dawson Falls visitor centre to the top of the peak depending how much gear you are carrying.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Mariku
On 8 March 2011
Replies 6
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