Dusky in winter?

  • Heya I am wondering if that is possible. I am quite experienced and using snowshoes or crampons is no big deal but I cant find any information if it is possible at all. Does anyone know more?
  • The Dusky track is quite doable in the winter, Center pass will likly have snow on it in patches but not perminantly. I think your only hickup could be getting caught with a heavy snowfall. A few years back we dropped 3 guys off at Lake Rowe immediately after one of the heavier snowfalls for a few years. They made it out okay just 2 days later than expected. If you get those dry clear frosty days it should be a nice walk.
  • 1 deleted message from LBDuck
  • So what about gear? Snowshoes? Crampons?
  • These guys had Crampons and Ice axes with them....although most of the time they were wading through deep snow...I don't know if they had to use them on Center Pass. I think it would be prudent to take an Ice axe and Crampons and stash them at the Kintail hut on the way to Dusky...picking them up on the way out....or are you planing on heading down to Huroko as well?
  • 1 deleted message from LBDuck
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Rover
On 9 June 2011
Replies 3
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