What's on your hit list for the summer?

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  • I don't get to steal much time away from the young kids, so I have to be quite selective. I'm thinking: Te Ara Pātaka (Summit Walkway), possibly with the family if I can get the logistics to work. This one is simply in my backyard on Banks Peninsula so it would be nice to check it off. Mount Stokes. We are looking at heading up to Queen Charlotte Sound for a week, so I could steal a day to do this. Tapuae-o-Uenuku. If I can take three days away, then this could be interesting. That might not be realistic. Saint James Cycle Trail. I walked the top half of this a couple years ago. It was beautiful. I'd be keen to go back and walk the bottom half. Also thinking about taking the family up Bealey Spur or somewhere similar. It all depends how far my four-year-old will walk, but there are spots you could camp along the way.
  • Got an overnighter coming up over the school hols, to kick off the season. The mother in law will look after the boys so I appreciate that. We're off to Japan next month so won't be hitting the hills much to the xmas hols. We're going to do a family xmas trip in the Ruahine. Have xmas in some out of the way hut. Maybe another up the east coast or Urewera for New Years. The missus has allowed me some time off late summer to spend some time in the southern alps with my god father. Probably mt aspiring region. I'm really keen to spend a week in the Hoki catchment by myself late summer I'll add that on to the first trip if time and body allows. I have a feeling in may be a good summer weather wise. So hoping to chuck in some diving and surf casting into the mix too.
    This post has been edited by the author on 5 October 2017 at 21:58.
  • Already locked in are 5- & 7-day tramps in Feb, both in the Lewis Pass area. These trips came out of a tramp from St Arnaud to Lewis Pass in 2013 - from 3 Tarns Pass, the Opera & Libretto ranges were laid out, inviting a return trip. The 1st is a wander through the Sylvia Tops, down to the Nina and back up to the Lewis Tops, taking in the Duchess, Brass Monkey biv and Mt Technical (weather permitting). The 2nd is along the Libretto Range, over Faust, Trovatore & Travers peaks, onto the Opera Range and down to the Henry River. Back up to the tops, past Zampa, along the range and down to Ada Pass, finishing off with an excursion to tarns below Glorianna - then back down and out to Lewis Pass. Only 100+ sleeps 🤔
  • As always camera in hand Arohaki Lagoon for a couple lazy days, November. Whirinaki up to Central Te Hoe, looking for Blue Ducks. December To Titirangi Bay in the Marlborough Sounds for 7 days.January. A certain place in the Coromandel looking for Archeys. Late January. Roxburgh Gorge Cycle trail, Clutha Gold trail, Otago Rail trail one after the other. March Big Swing in queenstown Prior to the trails. Waikaremoana (again) That gets me through to April Still figuring out the rest of the year.
  • Another summer extensively spent in the general area of the Routeburn, for me. I'm getting more involved with my local tramping club so am showing them a few places. Weekend trip in the Ailsa mountains next month, then in December myself and a couple of buddies plan on exploring new routes into Lake Wilson before swinging through the Humboldts to Sleepy Hollow and out to Routeburn Shelter. All reconnaissance for club trips in Jan, Feb, and Easter. Hoping to show a buddy around the 5 Passes and Lake Nerine/North Routeburn starting at Waitangi Weekend but my wife doesn't know about that trip yet!
  • I get the feeling that my list of tramps to do is going to grow much longer from reading this thread... Saw the info come out for your Ailsa Mountains trip Yarmoss and it looks great. I'm rostered on that weekend otherwise I'd join you. That route is going on my list to explore. I'm heading down to warden on the Caples Track for the summer so will be doing a lot of exploring around that area. Pop in to say hi if you're passing that way. Planning to do the Five Passes plus Lake Nerine in late summer, and thinking of climbing Mt Brewster or Mt Liverpool over Christmas. Apart from that I don't have any definite plans as I'll play it by ear depending on weather and available tramping companions. Eyeing up the Young/Wilkin and Valley of the Trolls. Just got myself a copy of Moir's Guide North for some light reading... If anyone has a standout trip (up to 5 days) in the Wanaka/Queenstown/Fiordland region I'm keen for ideas. I'll be doing several shorter trips, e.g. Earnslaw Burn, as well. Might try and run the Kepler track if I'm feeling fit.
    This post has been edited by the author on 6 October 2017 at 10:42.
  • A few plans, no doubt some will be scuppered by the Mrs for projects around the house (Christmas is non-negotiable, so I've said). Walk the Te Araroa trail from Island Bay to Burrtons Track, largely in a series of daywalks. Peakbagging Hikurangi, Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe, Tongariro and Taranaki with the kids at Christmas along with the Alpine crossing and Pouakai circuit. My daughter's got a plan to bag all the Tararua huts before she finishes college, so I'll tag along... Been enjoying doing off-track daywalks recently to improve bush navigation skills and trying not to use a GPS too much. Distinct lack of South Island tramping, hope to fix that next year.
    This post has been edited by the author on 6 October 2017 at 11:19.
  • Great topic, Matthew. In a couple of weeks, my wife and son (and possibly our daughter, too) will be easing into their new gear and I’ll be along testing my knees for another warm-up on one of our locals, Abel Taz. Then were off for the summer starting with Routeburn, Rakiura then following our noses seeking unbeaten paths around Southland. Somewhere in the mix later in the season will hopefully find us on Taranaki and amongst our favourite North Island surf breaks after that. I will add that I was taken by surprise by what seemed to be a huge jump in the number of people we experienced in our travels last season over the previous years. Looking ahead, here’s a toast all goes well for 2017/18. Have a safe season everyone!
  • So much choice ! nzbazza, if you want navigation practice, look up your local Rogaine group - you only need a few of those to sharpen skills.
  • Hi @Briar, I thought you were up Auckland way? Good to hear you're spending the summer down this way. Pity you can't come along on my trip. But if you're going to based out of Caples hut it shouldn't be too hard for you to do it yourself. Its 5-6 hours from Caples hut to McKellar Saddle (a lot less if you travel light), and to do the alpine part of my walk is another 5-6 hours to reach the Routeburn. Lots of great camping spots between the saddle and Point 1197 if the weathers nice. It's a bit exposed up there which is my chief worry for next months trip. If you have 2-3 days for the trip then head up Key Summit and follow the ridge along to Peak 1543 before dropping down the Duck Creek Route to McKellar hut. You could then chuck in Steele Creek to make a more interesting return to the Caples. Lots of options! Check out Madpom's Route Guides website for some ideas: http://routeguides.co.nz/routes/1215
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Forum The campfire
Started by matthew
On 5 October 2017
Replies 19
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