What's on your hit list for the summer?

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  • Thanks @bernieq for the reminder about rogaining, there is a series of events around the Wellington region over the next few months I should check out, although running is something I limit to grabbing the last slice of pizza in the box... Until about 2 years ago I was purely a map and compass user, no GPS, then I got a reasonably priced water resistant smartphone and portable battery, downloaded the Viewranger app and topo maps, and started using them for nav alongside map and compass. After a while I realised my navigational habits had changed to looking at the dot/circle on the screen far too often, rather than observing the terrain. The daywalks are my attempt to rebalance the reliance on technology and to repractice nav skills for a club bushcraft course I'm leading soon.
  • On the principle of 'if I tell enough people I'll have to do it': Falls Crk - Consolation - U pass - Glade - Indecision - Worsley - Glaisnock No other wanna-dos to get in the way this year. Just need a coupla weeks of fine, stable weather.
  • Haha same here madpom. If I spew the whole South Island trip over the net, I'll have to do it.
  • I’m quite keen to have a crack at the Douglas Range near Nelson. Also want to chance my arm at bagging a more remote hut or doing some tramping off a marked route to continue to develop my knowledge and skills (nothing identified yet though)
  • @Mosley59 The Douglas Range is awesome! There's some really neat spots in there. @Yarmoss Yes, I'm an Aucklander, but I'm moving south for the summer. Thanks a lot for the route details. Might see you out there some time.
  • I have got a dozen or so mainly lesser known hills/mountains I'd like to climb and one remote hut to visit which I haven't been to before. Also I'd like to search for and find the sites of a couple of remote C19th gold mining operations and re-cut some tracks that I maintain. All this is West Coast stuff.
  • On my hit list are the two things the weather didn't permit last summer. 1. Tararuas Northern Crossing. 2. Mt. Owen.
  • wandering the central Tararuas and Ruahines (lots, I hope) and 3 weeks in west coast/lake Sumner FP
  • 5 weekends in the calendar... 1) Waitewaewae - done already! Annual "Manly Tramp" where we carry surplus gear... https://evanswhanau.piwigo.com/index?/category/222-10_14_waitewaewae_tramp 2) Waiopehu "Daddy-Daughter" tramp 3) Powell Hut "Family Tramp" - for the four year old. + plus two more dates planned, but no route sorted.
  • Really looking forward to two weeks in march in the south island with my wife and two children, 6 and 8 yrs. We have planned 3 different tramps in the Kahurangi, 1 or 2 days on the Abel Taman track and the rest in the Richmond FP. We will be tenting the whole time apart from one night in Nelson so we can eat and eat, revisiting some favourite restaurants. Its going to be good.
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Forum The campfire
Started by matthew
On 5 October 2017
Replies 19
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