milford,kepler,routeburn out of season

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  • A question of timing, Man ?. Followed your thread about the snowy Routeburn & the down tree coz I knew I'd be down there a little later. Ian H reckons it's copped another decent dollop today ?. I'm picking again, that 2 weeks before it goes "On-season" the hordes will mass again ?. Particularly if DoC have held off until after Labour Weekend. Cheers !
    This post has been edited by the author on 7 September 2017 at 21:35.
  • quite often DOC tell people in the early season when the Routeburn track has all its facilities running in oct/nov that they have to take a helicopter around harris bluffs to avoid avalanche danger.
    This post has been edited by the author on 8 September 2017 at 07:37.
  • @Pro-active Yes, big change from the conditions Yarmoss reported from up by Lake Harris last weekend, perhaps a metre and a half of storm slab added up high in the last couple of days, still snowing right through this weekend. Avalanche danger very high at the moment. From : "Best to stay out of the hills for the next 4 days and let this storm cycle settle. Up to 90cm has fallen in the last 48 hours around the Milford Track area. and a further 1m plus is arriving through a series of fronts and deep low through till Sunday. The FL will lower to 500m by Sunday and see snow to low levels. Visibility will be limited, the new storm snow very reactive, and with the accumulation amounts: big valley floor avalanches can be expected. Through the storm the variability in wind strength and direction will create avalanche hazard on a wide range of aspects and elevations. Expect valley floor avalanches in the deep Fiordland valleys." Could remain dodgy for quite a while now.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by kdingo87
On 5 September 2017
Replies 12
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