Boonies Kaimai boots

  • Anyone tried any substantial tramping (more than a couple days of walking with a pack) in these boots? I'm looking at solid waterproofing but also quicker drying in case I do end up going knee deep in a stream.
  • Have never heard of them let alone tried them. Based on their measuring exercise and size guides I doubt I ever will with feet 332mm long. They don't make them big enough.
    This post has been edited by the author on 15 August 2017 at 19:28.
  • Just looked them up. They look good and cheap
  • 'Fast becoming one of News Zealand favorite boot' Do you reckon they're not English speakers, illiterate or victims of autocorrect?
  • Auto correct and failure to self check. Something I am guilty of often.
  • This isn't a blog or a forum comment we're discussing, it's a commercial website - the failure is in the proof-reading (or lack of any). The punctuation is, atrocious as well 🤔
  • He's probably from the Boonies! I don't think the typical bloke browsing these boots is looking at the sales blurb too closely. From what I have read, they don't breathe (basically a gumboot ... funny that) so you get sweaty feet. They are hard to get them on and you need to buy them a size bigger and pack in with two pairs of socks. I'm thinking they will suit the shorter (overnight max) trips where the conditions are really wet/muddy and cold. They would come in handy now, as I am taking short training walks (a couple times a week) through really muddy tracks and it's hard keeping my boots dry.
  • These boots are becoming very popular with both hunters and trampers, and yes we sell Boonies -but we also sell brands of boots too. We have the same issue with these boots as others on this forum have mentioned - they don't make them for big feet. Josh James the kiwi outdoors man is a big fan of Boonies boots, check out his review here; WayWiser have also done a review on them, which can be found here; If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch, and we are always interested in hearing other people opinion on them too :)
  • Boonies is slang for boondocks. Interestingly this is a Tegalog word from the region around Manila. It means mountain and is bundock in their language. I often tell Filipinos (and Filipinas) that we have a Tegalog word in English. They are amused. It was popularised in the song, "Down in the Boondocks" about interracial luurve.
  • 1 deleted message from Kreig
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Forum Gear talk
Started by pseudo
On 14 August 2017
Replies 8
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