What's your favorite...?

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  • Aside from the essentials (shoes, pack, etc.), what's your favorite piece of kit?
  • fleece vest, the piece of warm clothing i'm most likely to wear on a tramp, that or an "alpha insulated" vest which is like a low density fleece with a windshell cover, you're more likely to keep a vest on than a jacket, less likely to overheat in one, just unzip it to vent heat.. instant airconditioning with the zip, combines with a windshell jacket or raincoat if you need more warmth. i have a range of fleeces of differing weights from 100 to 300gm/m2 some more windproof i have a kathmandu gridfleece they don't make anymore that i commonly use, in colder weather have a patagonia one you cant get here "los gatos" high loft
  • 1kg yoghurt container (single or a pair) Weighs 100g less than my titanium mug, holder-friendly shape that's also good for pouring or drinking from, doesn't get too hot to hold, doesn't dent, warp or make clatter. One inside the other insulates. Or the other can hold water for further boil-ups, while both still pack lighter than one titanium mug. Cheap to replace. Plus, you get to eat the yoghurt.
  • Interesting question but what do you mean? Everything in my pack has its purpose and I have used every item on more than one occasion. Things I use every trip eating gear which is a plastic bowl and plastic utensils, Stove My current favorite is a coleman 505b which might be considered heavy but does a good enough job to make up for it. Is it storm gear? How often do I use more than just a coat though? What about a first aid kit. Mine weighs 1kg so it covers most bases Clothing everyone has favorites but shorts and shirt from warehouse fleece from hunting and fishing and swandri from swandri. 2 Things left pack liner and dunny paper. A dethorned thistle will make do in place of the second so my favorite piece of gear has to be a plastic pack liner
  • Did I really understand that right? You pick the prickles off a thistle and use it as toilet paper?
    This post has been edited by the author on 12 August 2017 at 21:42.
  • Thanks, pro-active - I had thought a yoghurt container would deform with boiling water. I've just tested it and, no surprise to you, it doesn't ! At 24g (+ 8g for the lid), one will be on my next tramp - storage during the day for delicates like cheese & bikkies; in the evening, a container to soak ramen noodles for dinner; overnight, a rehydrator for dehy fruit.
  • I said you could not I would but I had 2 items to chose from and I had an alternative for one
  • 1 deleted message from Kreig
  • My Kindle - old skool version, weighs nothing, battery lasts forever, and I'm never short of something to read of an evening (or when confined to hut).
  • Question re yoghurt containers - don't they crack easily when crushed?
  • If you put enough lateral force on the rim, it will crack. A lid makes that more difficult, as does contents. Pack it as you would a billy and you'd be OK, I reckon. I take an mp3 player with audio books and podcasts - more that a few times, I've fallen asleep one night and spent most of the next night working out where I was up to. Maybe my choice of books? At least it gets me to sleep.
  • 1 deleted message from Pro-active
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Forum Gear talk
Started by Bones
On 12 August 2017
Replies 35
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