Turoa - Whakapapa

  • Greetings - Keen to do a overnight trip across from the Ohakune mountain road to Whakapapa (1 night at Wakapapaiti). Anyone been through recently - keen to know track conditions - much snow and ice? Did the Northern circ a month ago - was a fair bit of snow and ice then - but just not sure what's on the side of Ruapehu. And would anyone know of any good transport options - ideally would like to leave my ute at the Chat' O - and get dropped at the track start on the way up to Turoa - also my guide book factors 8 hours from track start to Whakapapaiti Hut - does this sound about right? Any help appreciated - cheers in advance :}
  • The main problem could be getting down the Cascades. When we were there a couple of weeks ago they looked,from a distance, pretty solidly covered with ice and snow. You would probably need an ice axe and crampons. There's probably quite a bit of snow on the track. The ski season opens on the Turoa side before Whakapapa because there's more snow there earlier. Matai Shuttles are good and are back and forth around the mountain all day, every day this time of year.
  • Thanks fruitbat for the reply - have never been that way - so not sure what difficulty the ice covered Cascades would pose - would it be a technical obstacle - or would I be ok with basic crampon / ice axe skills - Thanks
  • At the moment the ice and snow that was on it a couple weeks ago has gone and people were getting down ok, but the current forecast is for snow to low levels so it could all change in a flash. You would have to check with DoC very near to the time you were going. If it was looking dodgy you may consider going up to Mangaturuturu via the Horopito Track and bypassing the Cascades.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by mrfizz
On 19 July 2010
Replies 3
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