pseudonyms or `trail names` on the Te Araroa

  • Recently,SAR were involved in a (successful in the end)search for a Te Araroa walker.One of the first things we do in the field,is check out the hut book entries,to narrow down a search area..If you don`t use your real name,we may not realise it as you and this can skew a search.Maybe someone with better IT skills could post this to a Te Araroa Facebook site so this community are aware of this.It could save a life.
  • This has already been published on their facebook page, no worries :)
  • FMC posted this information on their facebook page, i posted it to the main TA facebook page. SAR had their time wasted searching for an overdue tramper in canterbury on the TA because they couldnt find his name in hut log books and couldnt tell where he was or if he was still in the area.. americans commonly use non de plume aliases on the trail and may only refer to each other and themselves by those names, others on the trail tend to know who is who by those trail names, but to SAR it can make it hard to decipher
  • Yep. Yet another example of dumb-arsery.
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Forum The campfire
Started by lewshaw
On 29 March 2017
Replies 3
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